Search results

  1. crash

    MC what EP PSL products have you used and what is your favorite ?

    Test e 250 ,test 400 blend, Tren e ,test p , mast p, d bol , M -1 T, HGH BLUE TOPS... Very satisfied with all products waiting on some proviron and other candy now never tried proviron so looking forward to see how my body responds to it
  2. crash

    Kratom and possible effects

    LMAO presser glad you're honest I have a couple free samples hadn't taken it now I know i'm not
  3. crash

    Kratom and possible effects

    What's Kratom? Parents Claim the Drug Drove Son to Suicide<cite class="D-b Fs-n Pb-14 byline col"...
  4. crash

    B 12 protocol

    It's reddish Presser what dose did you use?
  5. crash

    B 12 protocol

    Just received some b 12 @ 500 mcg per 1 ml it's in liquid form so I assume it's ready to use or not? Also would like to know what doses and frequency you guys suggest also I was planning on using a 30 ga 1/2" pin IM . Thanks in advance for the reply as I have never tried b 12 and wanted to help...
  6. crash

    Spring cycle what ya think?

    That's right my bench is my strong point and I only hit chest once a week Im not a bench everyday guy I am into bb
  7. crash

    Spring cycle what ya think?

    will have to say I love me some TREN MIXED WITH A LIL TEST P AND MAST P.... 2 weeks into this cycle and I am up 4 lbs in weight and leaner and harder definitely have more endurance in the gym not looking for strength at this time but my bench is up two reps for a 4 working set I usually do 315...
  8. crash

    Drawing your oil with a low gauge pin

    draw with 18 and depending on how much juice im pumping in either a 25 ga or 23 if im pinning 3 ml....25 ga for 1 ml
  9. crash

    First cycle!! Oral or inj? all comnts welcome lol ....

    Dido my first aas cycle was 250 mg test e one pin a week for ten weeks and my body completely changed
  10. crash

    Spring cycle what ya think?

    Thanks PRESSER ...Most of the time I do leg raise with a 15 lb dumbbell...seated ab crunches with 75 lbs on the lat pull down.... hanging leg raises usually twice a week for about 15 minutes at a time..
  11. crash

    Your first cycle how old were u and how long did u research before using gear?

    My first pro hormone I was 29 ... Aas was 36 and currently on a never ending cycle
  12. crash

    Spring cycle what ya think?

    Ok guys I just started my cycle and I can tell the Tren is kicking in I am arrogant cocky and plain just don't give fuck who cares that's why I love it I'm usually too Damn nice LOL....also running Hgh and IGF started Hgh lil over 30 days just started igf with cycle I am fairly lean but my abs...
  13. crash

    Hard, vascular and grainy - summer is comming

    Test p Mast p Tren ace along with 5 iu hgh daily and 50 mcg MC IGF booyah. ben on hgh for 28 days starting rest of my candy next week will run till I cant stand the pinnig eod anymore LOL
  14. crash

    Buying shirts

    Ok guys I have heard some discussion before on this issue. I am having trouble with my shirts fitting now. Yeah it is a good problem to have I guess but I don't like looking retarded when I go out. My problem is my shoulders have gotten a lot wider and my traps are much bigger. My poor biceps...
  15. crash


  16. crash

    Protein Bars

    Home made protein bars 2 scoops chocolate whey protien 3 table spoons peanut butter 2cups oats 5 egg whotes 3 bananas 1 ounce honey 4 ounces skim milk 1.5 tspn cinomon Pre heat oven to 350 degrees mix all dry ingredients together than add the wet. Before mixing dry ingredients...
  17. crash

    Protein Bars

    I use the homemade protein bar recipe I got from here and they are great!!
  18. crash

    Tren Side Effects

    It's fine bro just look around search the forum lots of board sponsors to take a look at. As far as a cycle goes post up some info and guys will chime in and help guide you first things we need age experience and stats like weight bf% also how is your diet. start your own thread though you can...
  19. crash

    Tren Side Effects

    Dude never ask for sources that will get you BANNED!! just fyi. Do some research for yourself it will help you with all you need to know
  20. crash

    Tren Side Effects

    You would do better to start a new thread and post up your stats training diet etc. But I will say my first cycle was a simple Test e 250 mg a week and it really was a game changer for me. 10 week cycle