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  1. M

    NFL Point Spreads For Week 13. Gobble Gobble I mean Gamble Gamble! Thanksgiving Ref!

    not to hijack but , and I know Presser hates 49ers, but you guys see the kick in the balls on monday night. Thats the way to slow down a running quaterback. lol
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    you mean its still on the shelves???? lol I ran it and had to stop because nips got sensitive and hell. Never had any gyno probs before. Thanks for the anti-e Presser. working.
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    Wish me luck - Big Update

    Hard to look for the good in this. Dude, if you wernt in the shape you are in, think how much worse it would be for you. The main thing I can suggest is, and this may sound weird, but work on your mind until you can work on your body again. Start reading something to keep your mind in a good...
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    Went to Dr. today

    Hey Rep, not laughing at you but that sounds funny, Golfers elbow on one side and tennis elbow on the other. My elbows ache sometimes and the past month or so the elbows and area above and below were painful just moving my hands or arms. Like you said, just turning a doorknob hurt like hell...
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    Getting a pump as you Age

    Funny, I have been doing heavy sets of 4 to 6 reps for about 6 weeks. (been years since Ive done that) and today was arms and I felt like switching it up. Did 3 excercises each for bi and tri, 4 sets each of about 12 to 15 reps, slow and strict. I got one of the biggest pumps I have ever...
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    Protein Commercial

    LOL, pretty funny. havent seen that one yet. heading to taco bell. lol Clever
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    Protein Commercial

    dude, your heading caught my attention and nothing! What a tease. lol
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    Looking at getting a new vehicle

    some of the trucks look like luxury cars on the inside. Im used to the old bare bones rough ride trucks. lol They have come a long way.
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    Kai Greene: A Day In The Life

    $90.44 OMG thats why i could never be huge..i just could not afford to eat like that.. It was crazy watching him, He was enjoying every bite. lol Pancakes, more garlic bread and and about 20 other things and then he says, "I think I will have a steak". Dam, wish I could eat like that...
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    Drug Mimics benefits of exercise

    the people I have seen get no results were people who were too lazy to train and thought they would train when they juiced but still were too lazy and didnt hit the gym. They were untrained and only difference was the test. One was 250mg a week I think and other was around 500mg week. They...
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    chronic dry eyes from prolonged steroid use?

    I been having problems also. What the hell is going on. lol Seems more commen then we think. My eye problems seem to be getting better. (still dry and sensitive after getting treated for Iritis, left eye also) You dont realize the importance of something until you have problems with it.
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    Chemical muscle enhancement

    Like Z and Kiwidad said, little test is all you need in my opinion considering your age and weight and experience. I was in the same boat. Many years under my belt training and got to the point where I made no more progress no matter how I ate or trained. I only did 250 mgs test E a week and...
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    Drug Mimics benefits of exercise

    If they write it, it must be true. I have seen the studies and I have seen the actual thing. Just saying what I have actually seen compared to what I have read. been around this sport around 40 years. No worries bro. This is what makes this board good. Having different opinions (kiwidad...
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    Kai Greene: A Day In The Life

    good video. at the end I hit the video on him eating after the winning the austrailian pro. Dam. lol Check it out. He was eating for days. Made me hungry. Who eats 90 dollare of food at dennys. lol
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    Drug Mimics benefits of exercise

    know few people who juiced w/o working out thinking they would turn into Mr America. Didnt gain any muscle. Just my opinion but I think, and has been my experience, that you need to stimulate the muscle for it to grow. Also gotta eat to grow.
  16. M

    Anyone ever Hire an Escort?

    Yes Presser, 420 means Pot. It was a term that started when guys would meet at 4:20 after school to get high and the term spread. I am too cheap to pay for it but prostution has been around forever. Even saw a animal special where female chimpanzees would let the males screw them for food...
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    For Presser

    new meaning to getting a "LITTLE" head!
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    Wow UFC 167 what horse shit

    I thought the promoter picked the judges. And souldnt they be MMA people. It is a shame mma is going the way of boxing.
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    I think bouncy castles....

    I think your thinking to much. lol
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    Ronnie Coleman Guest Posing (not pretty)

    he probably looks good in a tee shirt. Not pretty. Not what I call guest posing shape.