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    Man Beaten By Thugs In Coma, Sad Shit! Please Read

    saw a card the other day, it said " I am black and proud I am Latin and proud I am asian and proud I am brown and proud...
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger a Racist? Leroy Colbert's viewpoint

    I was watching "Chelsy" saw couple times and thought it was pretty funny. She got old quick though. Johnny Knocksville was on and he had just finished the movie with Arnold S. Where Arnold was the older sheriff. He said Arnold was great. She went on a HUGE rant about what a ass, racist, dick...
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    Palcohol: Powdered Alcohol

    might be good for someone with a drinking problem, just put it on your food. Just more ways to get F--ked up. lol
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    Starting to feel old in the gym...

    I am finally warming up slow. lol I always did one light set then went heavy. I now have to warm up slow or my shoulder just cant keep up. As far as the ball thing, baseball should be big and hard enough but a good way to get to spots on your back is to put it in a long sock so you...
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    Crazy Bar Stories

    80 were wild. Too many stories to remember. I was just remembering one of my friends (we were friends since 4 years old, neighbors) He was Fing CRAZY. When we were in a bar or club and I heard him order two bottles of budwiser and ask for only one to be opened, I knew to get ready. He...
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    whos the best porn star?

    Vanessa Del Rio. lol anyone remember her?? That was one nasty latina. Grew up with her. (watching) At my batchlor party she was in town and we went to see her, I was taking a picture with her (the ones they take and you pay for) I stood behind her and she put my hands on her waist...
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    Talapia, Harmful to health

    I like talapia. good clean tasting fish. I believe it. Antibiotics ect. just like cattle ect. I would lol but it aint funny. (OK, lol)
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    Ultimate Warrior

    heard it was enlarged heart. Not sure though. He was a wild man sprinting to the ring. lol Only 54 too. RIP
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    Justin Compton, 4 years difference, before and after

    wow. the first pic almost looks photo shoped, he is so big. Wonder what his suppliment stack looked like. :-))
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    Running into a ex

    I have gotten, "where you do your time?" I usually give a crazy look and say "some things you dont ask" cracks me up lol
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    Running into a ex

    thats funny, "when did you get out" what a compliment. lol
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    generation iron ??????

    first site needed credit card second one, utube, no longer available in this country
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    Young and old: differences?

    couldnt put it better myself.
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    Samir Bennuit (spell??) I forgot how good he looked. Then Priests tris looked crazy. but the last dude, R Winklaar, TOO fuckin big. (if thats possible) lol Comentator is right, you cant take your eyes off them.
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    ABB Extreme XXL...

    I used to love blue thunder. havent seen in a long time. The only thing was by the time I got home from the gym I was EXPLODING THUNDER out of my ass. lol It cleaned me out good, always wonder if I absorbed the protien though.
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    Best way to make soft boiled eggs??

    you said hard boiled egg whites. Then just hardboil them and after pealing the shell break in half and the yolk comes right out. There are so many ways to do the egg whites. Never heard of drinking cooked egg white though. I do 2 cups cooked oatmeal and either scramble egg whites seperate...
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    yoga pants bro

    just what I was thinking
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    Workout Log w/MC IGF...4 week shred plan

    - - - Updated - - - how do you milk a almond??
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    CrossFit -- Sued By Transgender Athlete

    and he/she wants 2.5 million. I too, love their response. lol, I was taking a night class at our community college and I always check out the action. There was a beautiful black woman with some BIG TA TA'S. Always wore a scarf though. (adams apple is the other giveaway. Women dont have...