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  1. recon

    So do you guys openly tell people the real truth about PED's?

    Yes...."Steroids are as American as apple pie". I always stress "knowledge is power" first. I spent two solid years studying and reviewing anabolics alone before i purchased my first drop.....I always talk diets, nutrition, rest and proper lifting techniques above all things. If they are...
  2. recon

    red face

    Do you sweat alot normally? It is not uncommon for frequent "red face" to occur as a means of dissipating heat. The blood vessels & capillaries open up, increasing blood flow especially in the face chest and arms as a means of cooling the body....this causes a flushing appearance or "red...
  3. recon

    Test / Deca Question

    200mg is considered a high clinical/prescribed dosage for HRT and is really the bottom or below what can expect to see "athletic enhancement". I am hypogonadic and am prescribed a 200mg/wk self inject of cyp. Generally speaking I usually test, terms of blood work, around 1100ng/dl if within...
  4. recon

    Do I ever cheat or mess up? SURE I DO

    Baby steps, in this case, lead to cheat days.....agreed!
  5. recon

    Is my Dianabol good?

    That was my first cycle ever.....except 500E/400deca and 20mg/day pink thais...i got great gains and good strength from it. Only complaint was deca killed my wood!
  6. recon

    hey guys!

    Hope this is not a Craig Titus repeat? <jk :shocked:
  7. recon

    aqua alis

    True story....buddy of mine, notorious ladies man, took a stripper back to her place and wrapped his shit up in a rubber, then asked the stripper for saran wrap....she says "what the hell you need saran wrap for?' he told her "if i don't want my cock touching it, i damn sure don't want my balls...
  8. recon


    Still do them atleast once a week for atleast 3 sets (top 7, mid 7 bottom 7) as well as 'ol school prison curls for atleast 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
  9. recon

    Is my Dianabol good?

    "Is my Dbol good"? Send it to me bro and I'll let you know here in about 4-6 weeks!:D
  10. recon

    Dbol or Anadrol

    Just got my Liquid dbol in last does this shit taste like ass! Back in the day, before all the UG lab explosion, I considered reforvit but never opted for it. I know this shit is killer and the pump is insane, but damn, I'm not looking forward to even 1/2 ml twice a day! Got...
  11. recon

    Tricep bulking

    Yeah, we've done some heavy ass dips! I used to do some heavy skull crushers but I got to the point where I kept getting bicep strains so i've dropped weight alot on those.....but i still do a lighter weight because they really blow my tris up!
  12. recon

    My 13 year old started lifting with dad!

    We were watching netflix the other day....kind of off topic, but not....We stumbled upon the "bigger, stronger, faster" documentary. After the flick, he asked me what I thought about anabolics and I was honest with him. He asked me if/when he could use AAS.....we had a pretty lengthy...
  13. recon

    6 month Bulk Oct 11 - Mar 2012

    Re-re.....good shit! Welcome to MC!
  14. recon

    Designing a Steroid Cycle

    I'm pretty basic right now....I'm doing an 18 week bulker to get some strength back on. T400 @ 800mg/wk split in 2 shots (Sunday & Thursday) weeks 2-14 and 400mg week 15, 200 week 16 then off 3 weeks with ancillaries starting 7-10 days after the last pin or sooner if needed. Also 50mg/day dbol...
  15. recon

    Muscle Recovery

    Complex carbs and 25mg dbol one hour prior to. Water intermittently as needed during....20oz water and 50 grams protein within 30 minutes post workout. This is our general routine.
  16. recon

    Tricep bulking

    I hate kickbacks but they tear my tri's up! I always do a 1/2 to full second pause to alleviate the swing/cheat factor that you see all too often. We do straight tri days and combo tri/bi days with alot of compound movements. Biggest gainers for me on tri's seems to be press downs, close grips...
  17. recon

    My 13 year old started lifting with dad!

    I appreciate the input guys. His 10 year old brother is chomping at the bit and felt kind of left out, so I'm doing abs and light cardio on off days with him now....God, I hate cardio! My rule is 12 years old to start strength training and that's strict form and not pushing too hard...nice...
  18. recon


    Congrats man! We've got 5 now and our last one on the way....parenting keeps me outta trouble! Congrats to both you guys!
  19. recon

    My 13 year old started lifting with dad!

    My son just turned 13 in September. We started lifting together about 2 months ago. Little shit is going to be taking plates off for me by the time he's 15! He's 5'7" 141lbs (was 152 before football conditioning). He started out comfortably benching about 90lbs. Last week he was benching 130...
  20. recon

    GOALS before the end of the year !!!

    End of the year....get my BW up about 15lbs Increase my bench, squat & deads by atleast 25%. When I quit lifting, I was 185lbs bw, benching 360 for 3 sets of 10 and squatting 450 for 3 sets of 10. I've been a deadbeat for the last 5 or so years and now, I'm more like 250/6 on the bench and...