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  1. B

    tv shows about fat people.

    My wife loves these shows. For me, I will never understand why they are so popular. To me its like when I used to run track. I would watch the mile or 2 mile run, and the people that blew everyone away and finished 1, 2, or 3 would get a few claps, but it was the people at the back that got...
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    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    That's so stupid to ban someone for actually warning people about products that could harm them. Glad you are feeling better!
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    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    Really hope you get better. Thanks for the heads up too, as I was gonna research follistatin and they were the company that I was looking at getting it from.
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    So do you think the Myo Pro Peptide was a waste or the Myo and Follistatin? Do you credit the 9 pounds to the follistatin?
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    Applying MC's IGF-1 to Legs

    Can IGF be applied sub-q into the stomach just to get it in the system or does it have to IM in lagging body parts?
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    OK, that makes more sense to me. I had read that article a few weeks ago. My plan (when I do get to research it) was to use it directly after workouts. I'm thinking that I am going to try to stock up on it slowly so I have quite a bit for research.
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    I thought I had read that somewhere. So I'm guessing it would not help in recovery.
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    I know this was an older thread, but I was wondering what your final thoughts were on researching follistatin and myo-propeptide?
  9. B

    raw egg whites???

    It is a lot of time and money, but when it comes to cooking I am lazy. For me it will be easier to just pump out so many eggs, drink them and be on my way. Plus I am always on the go, and have a fridge where i work so I can get the benefit of added eggs throughout the day. I guess I'll really...
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    raw egg whites???

    I just bought from them yesterday. My order is supposed to be here next Wednesday. I've read nothing but great things about them. I ordered 28 dozen egg whites. Suppose to be 14 dozen per gallon. It cost $56 with $14 shipping and $10 for the pump to squirt them out with. Suppose to be able...
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    one arm dumbells rows

    Option B for me........
  12. B

    What influenced you?

    I am by no means a bodybuilder, but lifting weights is what gets me up in the morning. I guess my passion came from football like Presser said. I remember getting big gains in the weight room as a freshman and other kids in my class commenting on how big I was getting. After that it was my...
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    Charlie Sheen

    For some reason I've never liked him. Quite a while back I watched Spin City until Michael J Fox left. Then Charlie Sheen just ruined it.
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    Yes, I did know it was a true story. I think that is why I like it so much. After watching a few episodes I did some research to find out about how true it was. The average gladiator lasted 10 fights before he was killed.
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    So in your opinion, how long could you stay on this? If I read right you are only going 3 weeks on each peptide. Do you think you could go longer, or would the side effects kick in? I'm gonna have to get some and experience it.
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    Wow, I didn't know he is not coming back. That's too bad. Do you know who is replacing him?
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    I have never had a facebook profile, but my wife is addicted to it. We can be driving down the road and she is typing on her phone and I ask what she is doing and she says "Updating my status". I could careless what someone's status is.
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    The Non-Prequel is 10x better than than the one that is on now. But I guess with the lead actor out they had to do something. I just can't wait for the next season when the Spartacus comes back.
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    Myostatin Inhibitor Log

    Those pics are awesome. That must be some powerful stuff!
  20. B


    I figured that. I guess if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Thanks guys for the help!