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  1. M

    CBD oil and getting shredded

    So today is day 11 of this, 19 days left. i ran out of cbd this morning. I shut my hunger switch off then went got more and it was like 6 hours later. I hate getting that crap. I only ate 600 calories today. I am set now for the next 19 days. So this is what is happening. The endomorphic fat...
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    CBD oil and getting shredded

    Ive shut the switch of going to parties and over the holidays. You could make like a weight loss paste from coconut oil with a correct strain. Pay attention to your body. This is an advanced technique just underway. i need input from others as well. It can be expounded upon and furthered. If...
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    CBD oil and getting shredded

    Alright listen up. I am running this protocol. I would like to see some others try this and let me know exactly what you think. I will come back to answer questions. If it helps you tell others and lets help them. I basically used cbd oil to remove 16 prescription pills from my system and reduce...
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    CBD oil and getting shredded

    Ive stumbled upon CBD oil , been using it to get lean. We all know of Cannabis and it's effect to turn on the hunger switch, right. A switch works both ways. Thats right it shuts off. What if I told you I stumbled upon the cbd oil and its ability to shut this switch off. It does the direct...
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    Alcohol consumption during an IGF1-LR3 + LGD cycle

    Lose the alcohol. There is nothing good about it during a cycle. It wrecks havoc to the blood sugar not to mention it's water soluble and enters every cell in the body. It also destroy's the test molecule. It will also increase estrogen.
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    Non-Medication Back pain treatments that work best for you?

    Swimming and Pilates reformer help most. Ive had 4 back surgeries and would never let them touch me again. I have zero pain most days.
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    Looking for assistance with correcting cholesterol while on cycle

    I was involved in a cholesterol investigative drug trial. I had no plan on taking the drug they had. I only wanted the free blood tests. Prior to beginning the trial they had me sign a contract. I read the contract and noticed it said not to take any flaxseed oil during the trial. To me this was...
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    What do you think? First cycle..need advice

    I would half it. You do not need more than 200mg of test for the first cycle. You want a therapeutic dose, not less and not more. Back in the early 80's when we cycled we never took more and had great gains and looked great. Lean body mass can only happen so fast. The test simply allows the...
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    “Roid rage” Is A Myth, Says Australia’s Leading Bodybuilder

    I have been around it since the early 80's when you could buy it right in the gym before it was controlled. I tell you right now high levels of exogenous test changes personality and not for the better. Two heavy users I use to know both lost their jobs because of it. They had good jobs too, set...
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    Got some bad news today

    Just try and rehab it yourself. Avoid anything that hurts. Let it heal. All basic stuff. I had my right shoulder cut on. It took 1 whole year for it to heal. It is good now.
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    which steroids raise psa levels

    Its the estrogen that increases psa levels. The testosterone does not. Mine went down over 15 years time I have been on 200mg a week, no more. If your loaded with test their will be massive conversion and your test estrogen levels will be high.
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    Rich Piana Has Passed Away

    It sounds like Piana had a cardiovascular accident better know as a stroke. This is speculation on my part. I mean he was getting his hair cut by his girl and passed out. It could happen to anyone one of us. Thats why it is important to keep blood pressure at normal levels. I hope he is at...
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    Inability to do 1 pullup costs a man his life on rafting trip

    Some guy died up here in Idaho. He was rafting and a big wave knocked him off. He made it back to the raft and couldn't pull himself up. He panicked and thought his life vest was to heavy and holding him back. Still holding on to the outside he undid the straps and flung it back into the raft...
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    My 6 week transformation pics

    Wow, its truly amazing. I always felt genetically you are among the best. Furthermore it just shows that if you provide the human machine with good things it responds in a very positive way. Reminds me of the Casey Viator experiment where he put on like 50lbs of muscle in a few months. great...
  15. M TRT & HRT Treatment.

    Yo guys, I have been on trt for 15 years, continuously. During that time my psa went from 1.6 to 1.0. I still have full head of hair. I am mid 50's and I am in top 1% of my age group in fitness. I am not connected to this site in any way so I shoot from the hip, straight. The single best thing...
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    Sorry for not posting as much in the last 2 days, but my dog passed away

    i rem lo0ng ago when you posted pics. She was your baby. Im sorry to hear. I have 2 dogs. Both are my best friends for 13,14 years now. My female is dying though, she has an enlarged heart. Regardless you did your job by loving her and giving her a good home, its all you can do. My male is...
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    Trying to understand bitcoin

    Bitcoin is a currency, a form of electronic currency. Each coin is basically a mathematical equation that has been solved. Each subsequent coin becomes a progressively more difficult equation. They are mined this way. Just another means of exchange. They are also traded against other currencies...
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    I guess the dental market is just saturated. You can negotiate prices as well. I am looking for a new dentist. I told my wife I want a woman dentist. I just dont like no dudes sticking their fingers in my mouth. I never did. I would rather have it a woman, a nice smelling one. What about you...
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    muscles get energy on demand from ffa's in blood/ new study out of Texas a&m

    Texas A&M Research Shows Muscles Can ‘Ask’ For The Energy They Need July 5, 2017 Jason Karpac, PhD, assistant professor at the College of Medicine and principal investigator on the project. By Christina Sumners, Texas A&M University Health Science Center Muscles require energy to perform all...
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    Trying to get back on this horse

    life becomes busy, difficult, complicated sometimes. Chins,dips in da garage always works when time was tough. Im mid 50's and can super set both, for multiple sets.