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  1. M

    Why NBC cancelled the showing of the Mr. Olympia contest.

    A jackarse executive made a poor decision. Probably some pencil neck geek too.
  2. M

    Hormone manipulation for fast weight loss, fact ot fiction?

    Everything that is good is regulated and controlled. If it is not and it works it soon will be. All other OTC stuff is crap, except for ephedrine.
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    How Much Mass Gains Can Be Expected in a Steroid Cycle?

    It really all depends on genetics.
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    Started some DNP

    I just felt so tired taking it, breathing heavy too, sweating like a beast.
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    Any good Movies Out in Theaters Now?

    Neil Degrasse Tyson PHD is in philosophy not astro physics like he portrays it.
  6. M

    Muscle Building and Alcohol Use

    Alcohol sucks.
  7. M

    In a funk, unmotivated and need some help from the boys and girls of MC....

    Just start out real small. We think we need 2 hr workouts right off the bat but that is not true. When i get like that I go down to 1 set per exercise and thats it, then im done and as time goes by a little gets added here then there before you know it , its fun again.
  8. M

    Local Girl Wins 1st Show: Music City Muscle; Women's Novice Figure

    You got to love that about bodybuilding, hard work and discipline pay off not like working for the government where only popularity matters. She looks great and happy.
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    T3 basic dosage protocal?

    If you think taking t3 will make you leaner you are in for a big surprize. At least for me it did nothing. I know it was legit because I got it from a pharmacy.
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    Granny has a gun, robbing negro's run
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    thyroid issues

    You should go to an endo and let him deal with it. T3 really does nothing for weight loss, nothing.
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    Roid rage

    You never should of told her. learn not to snap back let it go. Life is to short to sweat small stuff, It really is.
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    An American Patriot pic

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    Constantly tired?

    It definetly something. It could be thyroid, I take thyroid meds for low thyroid. If I stop taking them I am tired. Also what about any other meds. Some blood pressure pills make you real tired. Look into everything for sure. Being tired is terrible.
  15. M

    Fucking Democrats Playing Race Card Again! Its WEAK AND TIRED!

    The family unit on both sides both black and white has been destroyed. The norm once being two parents consisting of a father and mother is now the abnormal. The single parent is the norm. This has taken place in the last 50 years. In the turn of the 20th century from 1899-1900, all drugs were...
  16. M

    Fucking Democrats Playing Race Card Again! Its WEAK AND TIRED!

    You have some good points Survivor. I know some pretty cool black dudes too. Skin color can never show what lies underneath inside a person. This is what truly counts. The Democrats remind me of Judas Iscariot from the Bible. He acted like he cared for the poor but he didn't give a crap about...
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    My DNP log

    Nice Silk, good job.
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    What's the fastest way to shut down HTPA axis for sure!?!

    Alcohol shuts it down a day after drinking your test level will be nill, continuous drinking will shut it down almost completely.
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    What do you dead lift?

    I wouldnt even try it after 4 back surgeries.
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    :) Over US 1million and only 1500 made. All were sold before production completed and owners had to apply and be accepted showing loyalty to brand.