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  1. M

    Dave Palumbo with Milos The Mind Interview

    I like Milos, I wonder if his line is expensive?
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    Starting to feel old in the gym...

    Im 53 and I use mostly machines and it doesnt bother me. Personally when you get old you really care dont care what anyone thinks. If it hurts I dont do it, that simple. I still love gyms though, not when there crowded though. Ive been going at 4an again, feels good, but im napping now in...
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    Questions about T3

    Ive taken t3 for low thyroid, ive ramped it up its never done anything for fat loss, carbs must be cut with total calories t3 leave it alone it does nothing to get you ripped, you want to be ripped cut calories do cardio
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    Tendonitis in the triceps

    Im done with any direct tricep movement directly, ill do dips but not direct exposure. I had to take off 3 months and go to two Doctors to get it right, so phawk it its not worth it to me to get hurt anymore.
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    teedubgee update

    Thats not bomb making stuff in the background is it? ha ha just kidding, looking good teed , girl too. good luck in your school. San diego is nice, if your ever in Carlsbad go to Tip Top Meats steak dinner for like 20 bucks and good too.
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    Test Cypionate questions

    Being older some days its works better than others, many factors play into it, alcohol for sure, I don't drink and have not for 10 years. Looks good to for next 10. Blood pressure meds to, look at everything you are taking med wise. Also you can get an implant. I no a guy who had one of those...
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    Obtaining HGH from a doctor

    They have the pre loaded pens that inject now. You can get it but its no take home pee test. You will give blood and they will check for deficiency. There are anti aging clinics but you will pay at least 5 k for 6 months. In California maybe even more. Some people the hgh does nothing for, some...
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    Help With Diet Ideas

    some folks are just carb sensitive. Take in the carbs and they store, In the end its energy in energy out. Just eat best you can and a little less. My stomach always likes to be real full then its happiest. I call it swollen belly syndrome. I got it right now.
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    If you could have more than one wife would you?

    Lets say its legal and you could afford it. I would have like 5-10. Each would have their prescribed duties. It would be great. They would have to all get along though. You would need lots of money to keep them happy and busy. I say 7, one for each night of week.
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    No direct triceps exercises for me

    Iv'e decided that I have to give up any direct tricep exercises. This last bout with the tendonitis really sucked. I had to go to two different Docs, with first one being a total jackass. It hurt so bad that I couldn't even hold cup of coffee. Its better now but still 3 months off all exercise...
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    Do you carb cycle?

    Its on an individual level. Some can some cant. Personally carbs make me gain weight. I have to count hem and I love carbs. I also love fats and protein. I like cake to. carb cycling is where its at though. Then again its energy in energy out. Im counting now though. Calories only though, 2500 a...
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    Cash register honesty, Do you have it?

    Ok now be honest. I consider myself an honest person. I don't steal, pay what my share of taxes are. However when it comes to cash register honesty, I do not have it. What I mean by this is when you are buying a bunch of stuff. You go through the checkout stand and the clerk fails to check one...
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    Candy Crush Game makers IPO today. How are they worth 7 billion dollars?

    There just trying to cash in on the bull madness. Some dummies will buy. People use to buy pet rocks, Bridges, wired money to relatives in foreign lands. I mean the list is endless.
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    Drug tests for steroids

    Actually the lie detector for hiring purposes can not be used as a basis for Job denial. Only the information you give them can be used against you. I have taken 3 in my life. First one was for Bears and Sterns company back in early 80's after high school. I totally lied my ass of and presented...
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    An Old Friend of Mine was Killed last week.

    Thanx guys, it means alot. All you guys would of liked him, he was that type of guy.
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    Frank Zane, Mr Olympia at 71

    I like Frank and I always have. Actually he and Sergio are the only ones to ever beat Arnold in competition. I like his advise on training with the seasons. He is without a doubt a hall of famer in this sport.
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    An Old Friend of Mine was Killed last week.

    Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputy Shot Dead; Suspect Killed « CBS San Francisco I worked with this guy in 80's at Mervyns as store detectives. If you dont like cops thats fine I dont either because most are assholes but this guy was not, He was a state champ wrestler, 6'5 and 280. He was...
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    switching gyms

    I actually have good gym etiquette. I have been going to gyms now for 40 years. I Still remember the first one too. It was In Jersey City and they bused us there as kids in the 70's. I always wear a hoodie and I like to move fast so I can get cardio done at same time. To just let someone not...
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    switching gyms

    I get depressed going to my gym, I just dont want to go there unless its 4am and no one is there. It just seems like idiots have invaded it. Even at like mornings times from 9 to 11am, I mean does anyone work anymore or what. This place charges 53 a month, towels extra, locker extra, So Im...
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    CrossFit -- Sued By Transgender Athlete

    Always look at their hands, if there beautiful and some trannies are the hands will give them away. If it has big friggin hands and its beautiful, run and run fast.