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    My wife kind of hates that too, when she sits on a wet toilet.
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    So do you reach inside your rectum to feel it or what. How can you know how it's getting bigger?
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    Test Cypionate questions

    I guy I know used the caverject and his erection would not go away. He had to go to the ER fully erect and tell them and they gave him some antidote. Im glad that wasnt me, that would really suck sitting there with fully erect penis in the waiting room , then walking around,
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    Test Cypionate questions

    what about alcohol consumption, blood pressure meds, theres many things that can affect that.
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    got my china powders, can't tell what's what

    Some mook over there in China is laughing
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    Storing Food in case of hard times

    Im talking about things like if the grid goes down and their is a disruption in normal activities. This is highly probable for us all. Did you see how those people acted in New York after Hurricane Sandy? They were literally at each others throats waiting to get gas. Can you imagine if it was...
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    What kind of antivirus do you guys have?

    Kaspersky is the best, ive used them all before and had issues with each. Macs are not virus free so dont think you are immune. I have studied computer security for a while. Any computer can be hacked, so the best thing to do is have multiple layers so the hacker has problems and will go for...
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    Anyone have liposuction done??

    I did , On my neck I had a big fat turkey neck years ago and had it done. We are tlking like 15 years ago right after I had a divorce. It was like 3 grand.
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    Stock trading chart

    Look at the chart 2014-03-07_0709 - klausmkl's library see how the ticker is the same but the time frames are all different but they line up and everyone piles in, so if you sold here it was a quick 400 dollars on a 100 shares, 4k with 1000 shares. Thats how its done
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    Are human beings naturally lifetime monogamous?

    Actually I forgot the I did disrespect you about the London thing, For that I do apologize. Truthfully, America is full of filthy and disgusting pedophiles too. It's actually a network that is established where they protect each other. Ranting insults is not what this board is for. Sometimes i...
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    Are human beings naturally lifetime monogamous?

    Its always the same thing with people of a low IQ, if you cant refute the logic attack the writer. Wow I use to do same thing when I was like 10.
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    Russia and the gay community

    What I find hard to understand is the way the gay community protested and try'd to get everyone to embargo the Olympics in Sochi. Their Laws simply are to protect the young. It's not criminalizing their behavior. Yet In Saudi Arabia the homosexuals are beheaded or hanged for being gay. The media...
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    Are human beings naturally lifetime monogamous?

    Nobody likes a cheat and if its worth destroying what you have then go for it. Ive seen many things were cheaters were hit with child support years later. Then had to pay for 10 plus years. Explain that one to a woman. Now with disease being so rampant you really have to ask yourself if you...
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    Clonidine for increase in growth hormone

    Actually found this out yesterday though I would share. Clonidine will increase growth hormone in adults. It will bring your blood pressure down too. You need to find the information it yourself though I am to busy to find it again and post it. Just do your own research. :dizzy:
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    Trying to buy a truck, why can no one do their job now????

    dont buy a new chevy, the entire intake manifold is made out of plastic, what a joke.
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    got mad at work today..

    London is full of liberal crap, all the money they spend and give to the royal family paying for their travel. The royal family is a bunch of in breds with Queen marrying her cousin Prince Phillip. House of Rothschild and that sick pedophile Sir Jim Saville, whole group there is a bunch of sick...
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    Bad elbows? Work triceps more effectively without pain

    I just finished dealing with an elbow issue. First Dr was a general practioner gave me an injection and it didn't do shit. Then I went to my ortho guy and got an injection from him and no pain what so ever. I tell you what though I am giving up all direct tricep exercise, It hurt so bad I...
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    Thinking of starting my own business (finally)

    If you like it go for it, make a good name and business will come to you. One thing I know I painted my house in 2005 and a gallon of paint was 18.00 of Kelly Moore , now its 35.00 thats with my 25% off police discount(im retired but still use it for discounts free subway rides). Oh yea...
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    Tax question for the gurus...

    Look up the definition of dependant per IRS tax code. If it fits then do it, if not don't. I know you can't write off dogs because I looked it up. Hell my dogs costs me big money.
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    Reagan/Obama (Just to give Ch3no a stroke lol oh an a few others as well)

    The dept of labor or anything to do with the government is not true. I mean look at the way they calculate GDP. I bet you do not even know the calculation methods were changed in April of last year. It calculated differently now. They change numbers like we change our underwear. Do you really...