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  1. M


    Its totally hilarious, start going up to people in your gym and tell them they got Palumboism, or better yet go to your Doctor and tell him, doc I got me some Palumboism can you fix me?
  2. M

    this is whats wrong with me

    The America Parasite
  3. M

    Reagan/Obama (Just to give Ch3no a stroke lol oh an a few others as well)

    Whole article is probably from the Onion. If your gonna come at us conservatives with some good stuff get your facts straight.
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    Gay college player blew it

    His chances to play in the NFL, he should of waited until he got hired
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    Gay college player blew it

    He will never get drafted now. no way any team or coach or owner will want to deal with this drama. Ill take odds on this one and take bets. He is done.
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    Cops arrest Fire Fighter...

    I bet you it involved a woman, gut feeling on this
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    Cops arrest Fire Fighter...

    Actually the job sucks, I know I use to do it. The Cop controls the scene. If he tells the fireman to move the truck the FPD guy should of moved it. It was a pissing match between the two. The CHP is responsible for traffic and the motoring public. If he tells the fireman to move the fireman...
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    Fuck New York

    I live in california and it sucks monkey balls, im looking to move as soon as my house sells. North Carolina will be my next home, fuck these liberals
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    Your T3 experiences??

    dont mess with t3, its not that great. Just leave the thyroid alone and count calories with cardio. I have it prescribed to me and have experimented with different doses. i wish I never would have taken it now I have to take it every day and Im weaning off. Never noticed anything dramatic what...
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    Any Day Traders Here?

    I trade for a living been doing so for 8 years, last 4 with a teacher/mentor. You need a teacher this is not something that you can get from a book. If you are interested I would sign up for Bulls on wall streets boot camp. He charges like 3k or something, but believe me if you want to learn how...
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    Putin vs Obama in the Octagon

  13. M

    Putin vs Obama in the Octagon

    I would love to see it, Putin would make Obama beg for mercy. Obama smokes and is a bitch. Putin is a black belt in Sambo and would beat the snot out of him.
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    The Dudes Recovery from Cervical Fusion

    Jut take it slow less iss more even though the mind wants to jump in just take it esy I know guy sthat went to fast back in and are still fucked up, so be good my my friend sppeedy recovery to you. I know how metally draining it is, I will say a prayer for you. God bless
  15. M

    Do you dislike Obama? Then read

    I didn't write this but it's spot on. Some comments are Obama this and Obama that. Once again I will tell you people....Obama is nothing but a willing puppet. He makes no decisions, he is simply a public relations front man for an agenda, an agenda which BTW use hate of your leaders as an...
  16. M

    Bruce Lee quote perfect for bodybuilding

    Actually the statement makes no sense, because to be happy is to be content and to be satisfied. If you are not satisfied you will never be happy always wanting more and you play right into materialism where more stuff means more happiness. More stuff from china, fake boobs for woman, smaller...
  17. M

    A political 'what if'

    You need to look up Hegelian dialetic where thesis and antithesis = synthesis, this is old news, the left right argument is a joke. Its to keep the masses split. Bickering amongst themselves while their agenda gets pushed through. There is only one party their party. Ever notice who ever gets...
  18. M

    A $28 Billion Industry & as a customer U deserve the best! What is the best?

    Sweet Potato greta carb source , tastes good and God Made it,