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  1. cybersteffan

    Finally back...

    after almost 2 weeks. My motherboard died from the heat :( it sucks if you 're so dependand on your pc. It's cool though now, the new board and processor are a lot faster. Anything special happened?
  2. cybersteffan

    O/T for those of you in the States that are into trance...

    Update... Cosmic Gate - live @ Trance Energy 2003 (part 1 and 2)
  3. cybersteffan

    NYC Trip Report!

    I'm really happy you've had such a fine time bro! She's a real pretty girl and seems awfully nice too!
  4. cybersteffan

    How Much Protein Do You Get A Day?

    I did try it. I've been lifting for almost 9 years now (whith a few years pause though). I have tried these really high amounts of protein and found they did nothing more than my listed dosages to for me know. Maybe I have some superior protein synthesis I don't know but 300+ g's of portein...
  5. cybersteffan

    How Much Protein Do You Get A Day?

    my stats... 225 lbs, 6 feet tall. I need about 100-150 g of protein a day at maintenance level. If I diet I need about 200-250. When I'm on a bulking cycle I eat about 250-300g of protein max.
  6. cybersteffan

    am I the only wierdo...

    most neck work is performed by racecar drivers
  7. cybersteffan

    do you have a favorite quote ? what is it ?

    yeah like in: how do turn a hot chicken into a cold turkey? => marry her :D
  8. cybersteffan

    do you have a favorite quote ? what is it ?

    My favorite expression is: Congratulations! You've won a toaster! My favorite quote is: Life's a bitch... and then you die.
  9. cybersteffan

    MC BBQ

    I'm all against the idea!!! I can't come and I don't see the point in making me jealous :D Or you guys would have to sponsor me? ;)
  10. cybersteffan

    am I the only wierdo...

    I have very weak neck joints. I have very weak joints in general but that's beside the issue. anyway, I don't really know if the extra muscle strentgh would be good to balance out my weak joint or if they would put extra pressure on 'm. So no I don't work 'm out. We don't have a neck machine at...
  11. cybersteffan

    give a typicall days diet when bulking

    Call me stupid but I eat just about anything that comes into my sight while. Isn't that the whole fun of it? I just love eating all day long and everything you want while the only thing you do is grow muscle anyway.
  12. cybersteffan

    How Much Protein Do You Get A Day?

    I don't know why everybody needs so much protein a day. I need about 250 when on AAS and about 100-150 when off. I carry a lot extra mas and I have never lost a gram of that whilst eating only 100-150g of protein a day. Too much protein ain't too well for my tummy either and I don't seem to need...
  13. cybersteffan

    funny baby

    found it too funny not too share
  14. cybersteffan

    First Cycle advise request.

    Half a dose is best for a first cycle IMHO. This because you still need to learn about the impact of AAS on your system. Doing a 'full' cycle may be too hard to handle. I would go for 250mg of test enathate (or cyp) and 200 mg of deca per week. Do it for 12 weeks. Jumpstart the cycle with 20-30...
  15. cybersteffan

    Uncle Sam clothing

    I found what I was looking for. Tnx.
  16. cybersteffan

    Uncle Sam clothing

    Any of you know this brand? I'm looking for their website but can't seem te find it through a search engine.
  17. cybersteffan

    Greeting card ideas!

    pretty cool ones between 'm
  18. cybersteffan

    Welcome Victor

    W2MC bro
  19. cybersteffan

    welcome Kmiller

    W2MC bro