How Much Protein Do You Get A Day?

How Much Protein Do You Get A Day?

  • 200 or less grams

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • 300+ grams

    Votes: 31 55.4%
  • 400+ grams

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • 500+ grams

    Votes: 3 5.4%

  • Total voters
Re: protein req

What has always worked well for myself and my clients is 2g pro/ lean lb of body mass...fat intake offseason =.5-.75 g / lb LBM
As Skip says keep these constant year round ..just fluctuate carb intake for the inc in calories!
I don't know why everybody needs so much protein a day. I need about 250 when on AAS and about 100-150 when off. I carry a lot extra mas and I have never lost a gram of that whilst eating only 100-150g of protein a day. Too much protein ain't too well for my tummy either and I don't seem to need it anyway. Maybe I have an extraordinary protein synthesis I dunno, anyway I would never have any need to go over 300 a day.
my stats... 225 lbs, 6 feet tall.

I need about 100-150 g of protein a day at maintenance level. If I diet I need about 200-250. When I'm on a bulking cycle I eat about 250-300g of protein max.

Your protein requirements will be higher while dieting ...carbs are pro sparing this is the reason why during a bulking cycle we can use les protein! I would recommend 2 g/ lb LBM while dieting and 1.5 g /lb LBM while bulking...fat can remain at .5-.75 g/ lb LBM and carbs can fluctuate accordingly. Try it and see what happens....
I did try it. I've been lifting for almost 9 years now (whith a few years pause though). I have tried these really high amounts of protein and found they did nothing more than my listed dosages to for me know. Maybe I have some superior protein synthesis I don't know but 300+ g's of portein simply does nothing more for me. Tried and tested, on myself off course. Can't speak of anyone else, but I'm quite sure lots of you eat more protein than you actually require.
i eat between 200-250g protein a day....... not much as many of you take but that´s i can take right now.
well, working third shift, it's hard to even eat when I'm walking around so freakin' tired all the time.......I do notice when I allow my protien consumption to drop, though....gains at the gym are much less than when I'm really conscious about how much I take in
Malic u eat alot of the same stuff, but whatever works, shake it up a little, it helps, but I'm in college and wrestling starts monday, so I take what I can get right now
Reptile what school you at bro? don't they UA you guys???
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for me 350g of protein per day is an optimal ammount. I am mostly aiming for egg, chicken breast, ocean fish, and protein blend(synthepure), as the main sources of protein, split in a 60g/6meals a day.
on on the low end this year. usually hit 400-450 but keeping it lower at 300-350/day now.

protein and fats are more filling, and appetite is needed during a bulk so carbs are my mainstay.
i was putting in about 350-400gms a day before i started having kidney probs, the dietician called me on her vacation screaming at me and telling me i was nuts for taking in that much protein. Since then, i have altered my diet and now consume approx 200gms daily. Between the 200 and 350, i really havent seen a significant increase in mass or decrease in weight. IMO i dont think a huge amount of protein is a benefactor, for me atleast. Plus it reaks havoc on your ole kidneys! Doc says its like creatine, or in other words, tryin to push sand thru a coffee filter.
sonoma_8 said:
i was putting in about 350-400gms a day before i started having kidney probs, the dietician called me on her vacation screaming at me and telling me i was nuts for taking in that much protein. Since then, i have altered my diet and now consume approx 200gms daily. Between the 200 and 350, i really havent seen a significant increase in mass or decrease in weight. IMO i dont think a huge amount of protein is a benefactor, for me atleast. Plus it reaks havoc on your ole kidneys! Doc says its like creatine, or in other words, tryin to push sand thru a coffee filter.

Nice post bro. I too believe that protein intake is over emphasized and I sure as hell don’t believe 500 grams a day is necessary for anyone no matter how big they are. I’m not a doctor by any means but I’ve spent years researching nutrition and there’s more going against high protein intake than for it. I’m not saying it’s bad to consume that much protein but I do think it’s inconclusive at this point.

To those who have or currently do consume this much I ask you to please post your experiences
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I get 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. So my intake increases constantly unless I'm dieting. Remember it takes 2x as much protein as carbs when turning excess to fat
da_Fonz said:
I get 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. So my intake increases constantly unless I'm dieting. Remember it takes 2x as much protein as carbs when turning excess to fat

good point Pillsbury! Most people dont even think to bother upping their protein as they incfrease their body weigt either so they end up wondering why they hit a plato and dont grow...Md-