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  1. teedubgee

    "Game Of Thrones" Season Premier is on tonight! HBO Series!

    Almost done with book 3! Just trying to stay ahead of the series, haha
  2. teedubgee

    RESULTS! 2014 IFBB Orlando Europa Super Show

    Wrap Up Video Below Men's Bodybuilding 1. Justin Compton 2. Jonathan Delarosa 3. Fred Smalls 4. Daniel Toth 5. Eddie Wilson 6. Ben White 7. An Nguyen 8. Marius Dohne 9. Clarence DeVis 10. Keith Williams 11. Lloyd Dollar...
  3. teedubgee

    RESULTS! 2014 IFBB Orlando Europa Super Show

    RESULTS! 2014 IFBB Orlando Europa Super Show Men's Bodybuilding 1. Justin Compton 2. Jonathan Delarosa 3. Fred Smalls 4. Daniel Toth 5. Eddie Wilson 6. Ben White 7. An Nguyen 8. Marius Dohne 9. Clarence DeVis 10. Keith Williams 11. Lloyd Dollar 12. Malcolm Marshall 13...
  4. teedubgee

    2014 IFBB Orlando Super Show Preview I like Chis Aceto's top 5, but I really want to see Ben White and An Nguyen do well. We'll see soon enough!
  5. teedubgee

    Damn near every TV series you want to watch!

    Yeah, everytime you close the ad before the movie a pop up comes up in the background. After that, and the little commercial, you should be good for the whole episode.
  6. teedubgee

    Damn near every TV series you want to watch!

    Watch Tv Streaming Online Streaming | CouchTuner FREE If you aren't participating in the Game of Thrones thread, it's either because you don't know what an awesome show it is or your ass aint got HBO. If it's the latter, check the link! I just caught my girl up on Game of Thrones and I also...
  7. teedubgee

    Come OFF Steroids. Proper PCT Protocol with Aromasin, HCG, Nolvadex

    I use it, but never specifically for PCT. I'll bump up my usage next time I come off, couldn't hurt.
  8. teedubgee

    Distal Bicep Surgery on Thursday October 24

    Saw this thread for the first time. Glad you're doing better man. I had a distal biceps tendon tear back in 2011 and MC's IGF helped a shit load! The doc told me he has never seen anyone heal from that surgery that quickly. As dangerous as it was, I was applying 20mcgs in my forearm and...
  9. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    I even got the girl to eat like me! Haha.
  10. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

  11. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    A few more recent pics
  12. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    Lol, trust me. Bringing her to the gym is a task in itself. I guess it helps when disrespectful dudes find out her man is the bearded dude front raising the 75's ;)
  13. teedubgee

    "Game Of Thrones" Season Premier is on tonight! HBO Series!

    What a bad ass season premiere!!!
  14. teedubgee

    Protein Powder without Lactose - Any recommendations?

    You just need a good quality Whey Protein "Isolate." Not all whey protein is created equal. The term isolate is used to show that the protein has been isolated from the lactose. However, there are many protein powders that claim to be isolates, but when you look at the ingredients it shows a...
  15. teedubgee

    I'm a Mother Fucking Beast!

    Awesome fuckin video! Speaking of normal sucks. Whatever happened to that dude? He still around Presser?
  16. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    Lol, to which part dude? - - - Updated - - - Oh, and I deleted about a thousand freakin posts I made that had anything drug related the day after I was released. They confiscated both my laptop and netbook, so I had to do it all from my PS3! That shit took FOREVER!!!
  17. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    Thank GOD I don't have a civilian record from it! I wasn't charged with a felony either. It went to Special Court Martial (General Court Martial would have been worse) so I was faced with a year maximum. I ended up taking a plea and only doing 3 months. The box with the controlled delivery...
  18. teedubgee


    Kris Dim had some fat ass tri's too! He could never get em cross striated though, and they looked a little suspicious.
  19. teedubgee

    Most Recent Ramy pic

    Fuuuuuuh! Dude is gonna do some damage! I wonder what his next show is going to be.