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  1. teedubgee

    teedubgee update

    While I was gone: 1. Got promoted to a new position at work and got crazy busy. 2. Got married to my ex-wife (I know...) 3. Got divorced again (whew!) 4. Tore my left distal biceps tendon 5. My best friend and I decided to pursue a relationship 6. Got my tendon repaired 7. Broke up with my girl...
  2. teedubgee

    Dress code on the gym !!!

    I agree man. The only reasons you should be workin out without a shirt are filming for a video or lifting outdoors.
  3. teedubgee

    Trey Brewer guest posing

    Fuck that! Yeah, that's bullshit. I bet there were guys in the show that looked better than him, or better yet, in the crowd.
  4. teedubgee

    MuscleChemistry NEEDS 2-4 New Site Representatives AKA Moderators!

    Congrats to Ox 51 and Lightsout! I'd love to do it again Press, but let me see how things go for the next week or two and I'll let you know. I'm all about contributing, and now that I'm divorced AGAIN (long story), I've got all the time in the world.
  5. teedubgee

    Jean Pierre Fux before and after

    Yeah, I remember that shit. I heard that Per Bernal guy that shoots for MD likes using crazy heavy weights in his shoots. Don't know if he's a dick or not, but that shoot just wasn't safe at all.
  6. teedubgee

    The Dude at 4 weeks filled out

    What show are you doin? You're full and vascular, but you're right, you'll need every bit of the next 4 weeks. You got this shit, especially with someone like Chris giving you advice. Best of luck man, kick ass for MC!
  7. teedubgee

    The Dude at 4 weeks filled out

    Comin along good man :thumbsup:
  8. teedubgee

    blast fat off

    Yup! Remove the pic and people might read the article :D
  9. teedubgee

    help with muscle cramps!

    Depends on the cause of the cramps. Cramps result from an imbalance of electrolytes, so just adding potassium to your diet might not work. If you're low on sodium, then adding potassium will actually make the problem worse. I've found that in most cases I've come across, the person is lacking...
  10. teedubgee

    Happy Friday !!

    Here's the view from my balcony! As far as what happens when a big wave comes... well, we're fucked! Haha jus playin. Typhoons come through here every now and then and tear up the island. The buildings are built to withstand it all, but you can't really compete with mother nature. Shit gets...
  11. teedubgee

    Happy Friday !!

    Yup, AF. Been here for a little over a year now.
  12. teedubgee


    Personally, I've never applied it to my abs before. Check your PM's.
  13. teedubgee

    Happy Friday !!

    It kills me when I hear people complain about being stationed here. I was stuck in fuckin ND for 8 years! The worst part is having to stay in decent shape all year round here ;)
  14. teedubgee

    Happy Friday !!

    Sun every weekend here all year round in Guam! Gotta love this shit!
  15. teedubgee


    I got some good results from 40mcg bilaterally (80mcg total) into the muscles worked pre or post workout.
  16. teedubgee

    What routine makes you feel amazing?

    I feel the best after a chest or arm workout. Always leave pumped and huge! I feel the worst after a leg day. I always seem to leave the gym feeling like a cripple.
  17. teedubgee

    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    Wow, lucky I never ordered from them. It's shitty cuz they're sponsoring shit over at rxmuscle. I could only imagine how many people who aren't active on the boards are buying from them blindly.
  18. teedubgee

    one arm dumbells rows

    I prefer B as well. However, I just ruptured my bicep doing so last month. Doesn't help when you're dieting, weigh 180, and am rowing the 180's... fuckin fail on the 4th rep. I'll update you guys soon =/
  19. teedubgee

    Heavy ass Hack Squats 945lbs...Juan Deisel

    At 0:27 you could see his upper chest in his back double bi pose. Those delts look unreal in that pose. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param...
  20. teedubgee

    100lb dumbell tricep kickback *video*

    Bad ass nuk! I'm gonna have to go see what I could kick back now. I'll throw up some vids if we get a contest going.