Search results

  1. P

    revalor conversion

    I've never used a kit when converting synovex. Same should apply to revalor. IDK about the fabric but I've just used 2 coffee filters fastened to the inside of a 44oz plastic drinking cup with the bottom cut out. The fasteners I use are heavy duty paper clips that are colored black with 2 wire...
  2. P

    revalor conversion

    Yellow bottles!!! dont use the red!! I meant to say yellow with the blue label/writing. And its 75mg NAOH per 5 carts so you'll need 150mg total. Just add distilled water slowly to the NAOH till it dissolves entirely (5-7ml). Then just use it when you're ready. Pour, stir, wait an hour, drip...
  3. P

    revalor conversion

    2 bottles of HEET (blue and yellow colored bottles) 500ml distilled water for the drip technical grade sodium hydroxide (NAOH)- I'll look up the amount & get back later coffee filters thats about all I can think of off hand
  4. P

    revalor conversion

    I'm at a loss. I suppose you could redissolve it and try the drip again. As for not using the NAOH, I personally wouldn't take the chance. I would rather err on the side of safety and hit it with another hour of NAOH solution. The acetate ester should be resilient enough to undergo the process...
  5. P

    revalor conversion

    If you still have the box the implants came in, check to see if there is Tylan Tartrate in the mix. Would you have happened to notice that some of the pellets may have been discolored before solubilizing them in methyl alcohol?
  6. P

    revalor conversion

    You using distilled water? How much estro-solubilizer did you use? Perhaps we should ask if posting a step by step layout of your conversion process is compliant with board rules, then go from there. I have an inkling in the back of my mind, however, that implants are being manufactured so...
  7. P


    Got my order without a hitch:thumbsup: Thanks Cyber
  8. P

    HUGE sale, stock up for winter!!!!

    This couldn't have come at a better time...I'm all over it!!
  9. P

    Wife is pregnant with Twins!

    Congrats!! And twins this time too...gonna have your hands full. Best wishes and happy fatherhood!
  10. P

    How Did You Find MuscleChemistry

    When I was looking for a good Syno conversion and stumbled upon MC
  11. P

    How Did You Find MuscleChemistry

    When I was looking for a good Syno conversion and stumbled upon MC
  12. P

    MC Store reviews

    MC store has exceeded my expectations on more than one occasion. Nolva-bloat and Aqua-dex are by far the best products for PCT and the Anti-e&p keep sides at bay while on. As for the MCIGF, it works well to help keep my gains while off. Helps with tendonitis too whenever it flares up. A freind...
  13. P

    US Employment Rates

    Makes you wonder how many SSI/disability claims have been made since. Might try looking that up when I get a moment
  14. P

    Good deed ?

    I always try to hold the door open for people, little things here and there like that. Recently I committed to growing my hair out for Almost an inch now; 9 more to go to reach minimum length. Should keep my head warm through the winter months. First snow dropped yesterday
  15. P

    Obama or Romney. Who are you voting for?

    since my livelyhood depends on the coal/oil/gas industries, my choice is obvious
  16. P

    Im getting married!

  17. P


    drill here drill now
  18. P

    Steroid Bust In Omaha

    Yeah, steroids are the hot button issue of our time. The introduction to the article laid it out pretty well. He even mentioned Lance Armstrong who never tested positive for doping. Typical sensationalism throughout. No doubt the detective said what he did to justify the cost of the...
  19. P

    Bac water home brew...anyone?

    Thank you both for your replies, I greatly appreciate it:thumbsup: