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  1. P

    Egg white protein- powder or liquid?

    The jello or the shake?
  2. P

    Egg white protein- powder or liquid?

    Egg Whites International sells 100% pasteurized liquid egg whites. Great for shakes but can also be used for omlets or cooking in general. As for nutrient assimilation, I've found- for myself that is- whole foods are better. So my choice would be liquid egg whites. Spray an icecube tray...
  3. P

    Democrat or Republican?

    In the whole sceme of things I've leaned towards Libertarian. Our so-called two party system is nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin. Look at our last election in 08 and compare it to now. Romney would be better for the economy in the long run but neither candidate has specified any real...
  4. P

    Shorty on M1T

    Just a trial run for now to see how my body responds. Onto my 4th day now and my appetite is up. Still too soon to see if I'll bump up to 50mg, but if all goes well, I'll run it with TS400 and Deca.
  5. P

    M1-T and TRT

    Thank you two for your responses. Had to make absolute sure before I gave him an answer. I'll make him promise to register and introduce himself:D
  6. P

    M1-T and TRT

    My buddy asked me if maintaining his TRT dose (200mg cyp per week) and running M1-t for 2 weeks at 25mg ed would be alright. His primary concern is the potential to shut down his own endogenious test production. I was under the impression that since he was taking exogenious test that it wouldnt...
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    Shorty on M1T

    Well then I'm all set. Thanks.
  8. P

    Shorty on M1T

    Thought I'd run 25mg ed for 2 weeks to see how my body handles it. Is M1T ok run by itself? I've got AI's on hand, do I run these alongside? Thank you for your responses
  9. P

    MCAS satisfies yet again!!

    Just got my anti water bloat regimen in. Quick shipping and above all excellent communication. Even when I ordered incorrectly, they had me sorted out in no time. Generous, patient and top notch products/service!
  10. P

    Come to Mexico

    Forget the middle east. This is right next door folks
  11. P

    OMG!! AGAIN? Are you serious?

    "Need a place to hang that coat?"- Jeff Foxworthy
  12. P

    OMG!! AGAIN? Are you serious?

    Thats an actual quote! Cyber aqua-alis is the best ever You can hang wet towels.... Just sayin':satan:
  13. P

    Come to Mexico

    A wild guess: Juarez/Cuidad? Perhaps Matamoros
  14. P

    HCG for PCT a must??

    personally, I start hcg 2 weeks after aas kick in and cut off 1 or 2 weeks before pct
  15. P

    No more hair!

    #2 or #3 guard on a set of clippers and I'm g2g Bighorn, northern Idaho doesnt apply to the rest of the state, lol:arcade:
  16. P

    you kiss your mother with that mouth??

    ever since becoming a father its been an uphill battle and now she's almost a teenager:curse:
  17. P

    Who here has not used muscle chemistry IGF?

    used mc igf for post cycle upkeep pre workout. managed to keep my gains moreso than without it
  18. P

    Favorite protein shake to use daily and post workout?

    1 scoop choco WPI 2 tbsp pb 1 banana half cup fat free cottage cheese 16oz skim milk 2 tbsp choco syrup pre workout I use 1 cup dry oatmeal and substitute 16oz milk for 16oz water I also skip WPI pre wo
  19. P

    Big meals vs. frequent meals

    on the other hand, I am eating throughout the day. for example: breakfast shake- oatmeal, banana, pb, cottage cheese post wo-25g protein powder, banana, cottage cheese, pb, 16oz skim milk meal 1- 12 egg whites 1 hour after post wo approx meal 2- 4-8 oz fish, beef or poultry meal 3- 8-12oz fish...
  20. P

    Finaplix and Component TH gone for good?

    Got a story from a farm/ranch store in town that the division of Fort Dodge that made the pellets got bought out. Should be looking at mid-fall on an ETA. Thats the story I got for Syno and Fina H