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  1. kdog

    Morning Fellas...

    Hey bro... welcome
  2. kdog

    Stallone: HGH Use Is "Nothing"

    Too bad Stallone looks like he is melting in the movie :D
  3. kdog

    Good Morning MC

    WHAT UP! Everybody have a good w/e??
  4. kdog

    knees feel like they're gonna blow

    Could also be a little tendonitis... Are you warming up enough prior to w/o? I had a problem jumping in before and a good 15min on the elliptilcall really helped... Just a thought...
  5. kdog

    extra reps

  6. kdog


    congrats bro!!!
  7. kdog

    News last night

    All I have to say is "Show me the money!"... I hear what they are saying, but I need the check to beleive the government these days...
  8. kdog

    Cutting cycle!!

    I would add a fast test... like a prop... Giantklr is right, prim is way low... my last show i ran 100mg daily and it worked great... Winny would be good too... how much fat are we talking here??
  9. kdog

    Bodybuilder gets discharged with smoking pot

    Is there a difference b/t american and canadian laws on gear??
  10. kdog

    me taking corner on my sled 100+ mph

    pretty damn fast bro :eek:
  11. kdog

    Wow - check this out

  12. kdog

    Gaspari Nutrition Deal

    Congrats bro... the chips are all in your corner!!
  13. kdog

    Who's going to the Arnold

    Wish I could but $$ is short... Should be a great show and expo as always...
  14. kdog

    7"7 high school teen

    won't pull up the link... sounds crazy though
  15. kdog

    Steroid Documentary at Sundance

    sounds really interesting... did you end up going??
  16. kdog

    Drop sets for growth

    I like drops for increasing intensity. I don't really agree with how strict this recommendation is, going to 10 reps each drop. I shoot for failure each time with a reasonable drop in weight. I rarely can get 10 reps on a drop until my last one when i usually hit 15-20... just my $0.02...
  17. kdog

    It has started...

    It really is rediculous. I had to walk a good 3 min to get to the gym cause it was so crowded... If i wanted to do cardio, I would by a treatmill :angry: Then these folks walk around aimlessly like tourists. Unfortunately the New Lady Fitness closed down up the street too.. I thought this...
  18. kdog

    IM sorry but WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is really fucked... anybody see that story about the parents that got their 11month old so drunk it was unresponsive??? That is why the death penalty should continue...