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  1. kdog

    Think about it

  2. kdog

    True or false on this dieting article i read?

    Yes, I could see how losing weight would be possible. He is right, as long as your calories are below your requirements, weightloss occers. The problem is that you would also be losing a tremendous amount of muscle. That is what is so tricky about dieting. Muscle has an incredible metabolic...
  3. kdog

    Issues again

    Seems like I always have some crazy shit goin on :curse: Today I trained legs. Had a good w/o, went real heavy. Then went tanning immediatly after training. When in the bed, got real dizzy any time I turned my head to the side. When I was done, I sat up and the room was spinning. I felt...
  4. kdog


    I agree with reptile, if he hasn't trained or hasn't trained in a while, standard stuff should work fine. Keep the protein up and clean carbs...
  5. kdog

    db 2 weeks out jr nats

    DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! Lookin sharp as hell man... How did you do in the atlantic??
  6. kdog

    How well do you respond to AS?

    I'm pretty lucky I guess, I tend to grow quite a bit no matter how much... ;)
  7. kdog

    PICS 2 WEEKS OUT JUNIOR NATS PICS From Atlantic States

    Unreal conditioning!!! Can definately tell you have put your work in...
  8. kdog

    Mc Announcement

    Jay you definately deserve it...
  9. kdog

    good supp? for on cycle

    may be off the subject, but to prevent the flushing from niacin, take 325mg of aspirin about 1/2hr before the niacin...
  10. kdog

    My bench maxout...

    Lookin good bro, keep pumping away!!!!!
  11. kdog

    Time b/t sets

  12. kdog

    Who's a drinker??

    Never while on orals, 1-2 beers if on other stuff, off...kind of depends. Maybe a good drunk every other month. Other than that, I stay away.
  13. kdog

    Cardio and nutrient timing

    Fellas, quick opinion on this please :) If one were to do cardio after lifting, say after a 45-60 min wo, would you want to eat (or have a shake) between the lifting and cardio? I am trying to trim a bit and I am doing some cardio after lifting. WHen in pre-contest mode I simply take some...
  14. kdog

    looking to get rid of 2 ml of mc igf

    I agree with TonyK, I am on PCT now and have leaned out TREMENDOUSLY with the product.
  15. kdog

    Time b/t sets

    P.S. tried to make this a poll, but obviously that didn't work. Is that something I can do??
  16. kdog

    Time b/t sets

    How long does everyone wait between sets? Does it vary in the offseason??
  17. kdog

    Who will win the Olympia

    Interesting Opinion All of a sudden, the world revolves around Phil Heath. 2 wins in 2 shows!?!? He looked good in Colorado, but I think Darrem had him in NY...Abviously Weider and the IFBB love Phil though. Looks almost like he is being groomed as the new face of bodybuilding. Perhaps...
  18. kdog

    Superheavy, four weeks out.

    Looking great! Conditioning and posing get better each week! Interested to see the last week of progression.
  19. kdog


    fellas, I have been cramping like crazy lately. When I worked chest, my hamstrings would cramp. Today I did bi's and my forarms and tris keep cramping. Not on any diuretics or anything, just IGF. ANy ideas? Hydration has been ~3/4 gallon daily...
  20. kdog

    My bench maxout...

    I would seperate them for sure (if you are talking about the rows and benching on the same day). Don't cheat either muscle group. Go in fresh each day and blast away. If you are fatigued from chest, you will not be able to stimulate your back like if you were fresh. Just my 2c...