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  1. kdog


    I will probably use a 50u slin syringe. Will switch our pin to 1/2 inch.
  2. kdog


    That helps...i think... So, if my math is correct you are saying that 0.015mL on a slin pin = 33u IGF. If that is the case then 0.09u = 20u IGF?? That just seems like a VERY small amount... So I could run .01ml (22units) twice a day (AM and post w/o --> only am on non-training days)??
  3. kdog


    Couple questions for ya fellas. First, planning on running IGF during my PCT. Hoping to preserve hard earned gains. Anybody had any experience with this? Also, I am lost on the dosing. Vials say 1000mcg per mL. For IGF is 1u=1mcg? If so, I calculate 20u as 0.02ml??????? Am I doing the...
  4. kdog

    how many sets per muscle

    3-4 exercises, maybe 3 sets each. Actually start with more (4-5 sets) and as I fatigue reduced them (2)...
  5. kdog

    What's your ethnic background?

    Mix of american indian and Ukranian...
  6. kdog

    what is the best way to train lats?

    Love these. But definately bent rows for thickness, wide grip pull downs...I am suprized no one mentioned my pull overs. I get such a great stretch and pump from these... great classic mass builder
  7. kdog

    Deca and Tren together

    I would run 200mg weekly, and definately watch the joints...
  8. kdog

    Warming up...

    So, I was trying to see what my max bench was, my real one. I was shooting for 400#. I wasn't sure how to warm up and I think that is maybe why I didn't complete the lift. I did 10 reps at 140; 5x190; 5x225; 3x275; 1x315; 1x365 then attempted my lift. I don't know much about preparation for...
  9. kdog

    Tapering anti-e's

    Hey guys, I had a little run of gyno a few weeks ago and started nolva at 40mg daily. Since then, the problem seems to have resolved. Can I reduce my anti-e for the last few weeks of the cycle? Just trying to reserve resources ya know...
  10. kdog

    Minimum Carbs

    I'm with you buschris, ketosis should be the GOAL when attempting to loose BF. At that point your body is using fatty acids for energy...
  11. kdog

    What does everyone currently weigh??

    Nearing the end of the bulk, am weight 230#
  12. kdog

    Strange injury

    Getting a little better. Still numb in my middle finger and ring finger. I can feel my first finger again. Really have no idea what happened. I am taking off until Thurs which sucks being on... But hey, better safe than sorry. Scarry S$$& though...
  13. kdog

    Paul Sr. on gear???

    LOL :laugh:
  14. kdog


    Never dated a stripper, BUT... Was with a girl once and took her to the strip club. Drunk as hell... I am watching another girl when my buddy taps my shoulder. I turn around and see MY GIRL on stage with the stripper. She is buck naked and the stipper is going down on her. UNBELIEVABLE...
  15. kdog


    How bout the ridiculous cost $$$$$$$
  16. kdog

    slin question

    I agree it is probably not the slin as the log is a very rapid acting slin. My question is why 4x a day?? Why not once post training? Just curious as I have never seen slin run like that before???
  17. kdog

    NY Mets anyone?

    All I need to say is that Albert Pujols is THE MAN!!! :thumbsup:
  18. kdog

    Strange injury

    Fellas, need some advice. I am having a problem with my right hand/ elbow. For the last 2 weeks, when I bench I feel like i am cruching my funny bone. Elbow tingles all the way down to my fingers. The last two times I have worked through it. However, I now have this residual tingling in my...
  19. kdog

    Superheavy. 6-2 292 and 9 wks out from Jr. Nat.

    Looking sharper every week...