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  1. Massive-E

    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    Man i consider myself saved by 'The Dude' I literally have been saving up and was going to purchase approx 1000$ worth of stuff from them in the coming days. Only problem now is i have no where to get this stuff from now .. sh*t :curse: Dude i hope you pull through!
  2. Massive-E

    Okay so really whats the deal ...

    Okay so i thought i'd throw this out there, knowing full well i might just get the standard replies that come to peoples head. But here we go. Do you really think that Genetics really has that much to do with bodybuilding these days? The reason i ask i this is ... I train hard, i eat clean &...
  3. Massive-E


    Roughly around the 70$ mark for 1mg is what i've seen so far
  4. Massive-E

    IMPORTANT! Someone is using MuscleChemistrys name and email addy to sell their drugs!

    I did wonder where these were coming from .. clearly not what you guys want or need!
  5. Massive-E

    Igf des 1

    As far as the reading goes on my paret currently this is 'supposedly' 10x stronger than IGF1-Lr3, which would make it pretty damn potent! I have 2mg on order along with Folistatin, Myostatin ProPeptide, CJC1293 and GHRP-2. Should be a fun little experiment :)
  6. Massive-E

    You be the of Flex Pro top 2

    Evan for sure ... not a fan of either .. but bump for all the water retention comments .. Dex just wasnt on point this time
  7. Massive-E

    Oatmeal and Protein shakes

    Yup i use ultra fine oats (might be what oats plus are but the uk equivalent) Makes for a good post WO shake
  8. Massive-E


    Amino Outpost do AA at a reasonable cost Big Bump on the question though cause i have a shed load of it coming my way :)
  9. Massive-E

    Who is running myostatin blockers

    I have these on order too 2mg of each. What dosages are you gonna run these at ... got an idea of the protocol you might use?
  10. Massive-E

    Roney Rockel at 250lbs!

    Unbelievable, man .. what wouldnt you give for muscularity, conditioning, and symmetry like that!
  11. Massive-E

    what rep range do you prefer on squats?

    A normal squat session lately has gone like this Warm up sets of 60kg x 15, 100kg x 15 Then a nice blast of 140, 180, and 200kg for 10 Last set is a super set of 180x6, 100x10, 140x8, 60x15 - with people either side stripping and loading, so it's literally rack and unrack. BURNS!
  12. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason

    Okay fair enough no ones perfect man, but she's pretty far on the way .. who knows what the guy had to put up with .. but for me it would have to be a lot of shit before i considered ridding the bed of Jamie!
  13. Massive-E

    did the spin bike for cardio today

    haha .. i know what you mean .. i joined a 60 minute spin bike session as a dare by my girlfriend at the time, i swear i was close to a heart attack and pumped as hell at the end of it. Lifting weights is at least fun .. that was just agony lol
  14. Massive-E

    Free Samples from Perscription Nutrition, first 10 member's to PM me !!!

    Wicked thanks Mike ... cant wait to try and order :)
  15. Massive-E

    old school t-bar rows

    We have a T-bar machine in my gym, with an angled foot plate and 45 degree pad that sits high on the chest. same principal but 0% cheating possible and yeah you can def feel it if you do the right weight!
  16. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason

    And you know .. outta these 4 i would still rather only have Jamie in the shot (sorry girls, u jus aint as hot as Jamie) :finger: Enjoy guys ...
  17. Massive-E

    need some posing trunks

    Itchy .. yet figure hugging & lightweight :satan:
  18. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason

    Anyone offering to hose the sand off after lol :thumbsup:
  19. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason

    And from what i can gather from her Facebook posts her absolute NUTCASE boyfried just dumped her too .. i mean can you imagine .. actually dumping a girl like that. OMG! Her personality is amasing, her body is flawless! Yeah .. im a fan lol :p :bber: Ms Eason ... look over here!
  20. Massive-E

    Jamie Eason

    Kinda hot ... you jest man ... she is the hottest thing on the planet!