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  1. Massive-E

    Free Syntherol!

    Sounds like a sweet deal to me!
  2. Massive-E

    This chick is ripped and hot as hell...

    Hahah cant believe you guys have only just found her. She's actually Suzanna Spears (aka) shes an ex porn star :)
  3. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    I have to say im having a real down week, probably down to the lack of IGF in my cycle and the fact my partner has just started shifts at the hospital training again. This REALLY kills my workout schedule, and instead of have my set days, i only get to workout here and there as i can. Not such...
  4. Massive-E

    MC IGF1 just rcvd... have some questions

    LOL! Shap you crack me up .. your a bold individual :)
  5. Massive-E

    Get Big Quick Shake

    Insane but does sound yummy i have to say.
  6. Massive-E

    What is the maximum time on IGF? Do u believe in that 4 weeks ON 4 weeks OFF theory?

    Was my exact question i was about to ask, have noticed a serious difference whilst not taking IGF for the past week after 5 weeks on ... might just start again :p
  7. Massive-E

    Try this stuff guys

    Damn it ... living in the UK Sucks
  8. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Okay above are pre start pictures, the dates are about 1 month before starting my current run so from this i put on roughly 7-10lbs The first one is obviously show day, and the others are the days following And sadly ... no ... i dont look like this anymore lol
  9. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    most definately man, and all critisism is wisely taken ... infact i welcome it from seasoned dudes like yourself as im not way a pro in this game yet. If i'd have thought about it i guess it would have been better to save, but it was a disappointment from the start when it arrived through my...
  10. Massive-E

    Cable Crossovers vs. Pec Deck Flyes

    I do prefer cables, however i find it much harder to hit just the right angle to work the pec and not the front deltoid. I agree that the peck dec really shocks my should joint where my small injury is but i do find that my upper pecks get far more pumped.
  11. Massive-E

    What do you see when you look in the mirror?

    I never ever see the body everyone else see's, i agree totally with all the posts so far. Currently im on a bulk straight after a competition and im so watery and bloated at the moment due to the AAS that im hating myself right now. Even embarrassed to post pictures to the board as everyone...
  12. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    I have however dropped the EQ on your recommendation man, am looking to get some better dosed EQ to add back in later or maybe will just leave it out all together.
  13. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    :dizzy: sorry guys, am moving house right now and life is just so up in the air, i will find time i promise!
  14. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Hey man, Currently the IGF im using is the IGETROPIN from Hygene, I had a 2500mcg kit (standard size) and i have to say i like it. The AminoOutpost IGF i havent cracked open yet dude, but when the switch comes i'll be writing up and difference i notice in this log. Finally i have 2000mcg of...
  15. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Hey shaptown, wasnt really expecting that post but hey critisim is ALWAYS welcome dude. I'm not expecting ANYTHING from the EQ man it was merely in there to get rid of the small amount i had. In honesty dosing at 600mg and over with the stuff i had would have been impossible as it was 50mg...
  16. Massive-E

    The Secret of Leucine

    Seriously good read (N)Shape thanks for the information, wouldnt say im showing outwardly a lot of excitement or joy but i am very interested. Am just thinking of all the lost time without the supplementation of Leucine i've had. Will be interesting to see how much leucine is in the MC...
  17. Massive-E

    non fat, low carb cheesecake

    Hmm mine didnt come out very well, must be something i did wrong as it was a little liquid lol
  18. Massive-E

    2010 Phil Health Mr.Olympia routine

    Have to say im a massive Jay fan, he has inspired me a lot, but im also a big Phil fan too. I havent seen Jays routine posted like this one, but i have to say Phil looks damn sharp in this video. Good god what wouldnt i do just to look that good man! Anyone fancy posting a similar video of...
  19. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Okay so the water seems to be evening itself out a little now, i think it could well have been from the dbol at the beginning. Still continuing to get great sessions out at the gym and long may it continue i say, consistantly lifting heavier and still with good form. Im going to take a heavy...