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  1. Massive-E

    IGF and Insulin stack

    I have to say i'd like to know how you do this ... any one feel like PM'in me?
  2. Massive-E

    I swear

    I hear that man, im 31 and until i started deca 4 weeks ago i was hurting soooo much ... Growing old does suck. I dont take any thing for joints though apart from tumeric powder that is an anti inflamatory
  3. Massive-E

    non fat, low carb cheesecake

    Oh god i love cheesecake ... am gonna have to try this! :chicken:
  4. Massive-E

    Npp and gyno in only 10 days

    Aww man now you have me seriously interested ... im going shopping for the new cycle now :wave: When my Deca runs out i was looking for something else to cut in ... and this may be it lol
  5. Massive-E

    anyone heard of the BOD POD?

    I went for a BUPA test recently for blood works etc, and if i have better cover they would have used one of these things for my body fat reading. As i only have semi good cover i only got the Bio Elec Imp test ... harsh
  6. Massive-E

    Whats your take on MCT oils?

    have to say i havent used it yet, but on my next cut i think i'll include some Udo's or similar product. Its meant to be really good
  7. Massive-E

    GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

    Im no expert on this but i have been reading a shit load of forums, and am a member of datbtru's site that has tonnes of information on this ... the general consensus is that more is not necessarily better for peptides. I was going to do 400mcg of GHRP-6 and CJC w/o DAC ED, but was educated...
  8. Massive-E

    GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

    This is the protocol im running for bodybuilding purposes and its working very well. I agree on the w/o DAC as this is not the way to go in ALL of the literature ive read for BB'ing effect. I'm not running the morning HGH, but if i had the cash i really would be :) <bump> on the bloodwork even...
  9. Massive-E

    Npp and gyno in only 10 days

    I am running 1600mg of Test and 600mg of NPP though ... so that might be it too :p
  10. Massive-E

    Npp and gyno in only 10 days

    I have to say NPP is heavy for me too. I have been on for 4 weeks now and have already got the 'itchy nipple' syndrome ... i seem to be lucky enought to have caught it with bromo and anti e ... seem to be fine now
  11. Massive-E

    Favorite protein source?

    Thats is a lot of good eating right there! :chicken:
  12. Massive-E

    Favorite protein source?

    Seafood is by far my fav source, but tis expensive this side of the pond. I have to say the main intake for me is Turkey breasts, i buy 'em in 1kg frozen packs ... not really all that convienient tho
  13. Massive-E

    Anyone shoot b-2?

    Have considered it i have to say, as its meant to benefit the effects of all sorts so i have read. Never got around to it though
  14. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Right so here we go ... Beginning Stats: 102kg / 16 stone / 224lbs Bodyfat around the 10-11% mark Up until the start of this cycle a 2850kcal diet - 50/30/20 Macro breakdown My camera is busted right now, but have a few grainy pics from abt a month before so will dig them out and put them up...
  15. Massive-E

    Grunting to loud...damn old people!

    bump, i moved gym to avoid the kids ... i know we all gotta start somewhere .. but really screaming under 40kg on a squat bar whilst doing 1/4 range reps ... irritating
  16. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    I glad everyone is chomping at the bit to read my log, so i will do my best to get all the information requested up in a timely fashion. Let me gather my data together and i'll get it all up on the board. With regards to my job, i am in IT and so heavy lifting is not really that much a part of...
  17. Massive-E

    how much do you bench

    396lbs for 3 without any suits, although i havent gone there in a while. My normal chest work out ends up around 308lbs for 8-10reps
  18. Massive-E

    My Mass Log - IGF Lr3 / AAS / Peptides combo

    Hi everyone, Time to start a log surrounding my latest mass cycle now that i have a few weeks under my belt. This is for research and vanity purposes only :) I really should see some quality gains from this, or at least this is what i'm hoping for. So, what on the cards then? ... ... the...
  19. Massive-E

    buy ********

    Oh welcome BTW
  20. Massive-E

    buy ********

    At the risk of sounding off or unhelpful ... The Internet is the best bet, and by that i mean .. there will be far to many places im sure to list, and honestly i dont think anyone will post a link of possible sites. You'll need to do some research Best of luck in your search bro