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  1. Zeca


    " When we drink, we get drunk..." very very true :D
  2. Zeca

    Becareful Guys

    damn bro that´s a fucked situation, you got to get your son back...... and your wife! good luck
  3. Zeca

    This Week's Toons of the Week, by MuscleHedz

    lol number 2 is great......only for hardcore guys!
  4. Zeca

    How to keep Jehovah's witnesses from knocking

    or maybe they´ll gonna start knocking all the time now...... just wait :D
  5. Zeca

    Cycle Help, Sust,deca or eq?

    Deca will give you more mass gains, EQ will be more about lean gains not so obviously j/k.....
  6. Zeca

    friend that is visiting

    lol :D try to transport a 250cc bottle of ganabol that way....ouchhhhh
  7. Zeca

    Going to start on Equipoise, 1st time, any advice?

    With a proper diet and a good cardio trainning you should be fine, losing some fat and the AAS will help preserving the muscle.
  8. Zeca

    Going to start on Equipoise, 1st time, any advice?

    How much EQ are u gonna do weekly? Im doing right now a cycle of Test/EQ, and i think its better to add test, even at a low dose just to keep you happy and going on, because EQ will shot you down. If you want to keep it simple add 250 mg test/week and shot it with the EQ. This way it wont be...
  9. Zeca

    the rant thread-what pisses you off ?

    I freakin hate people in the gym who dont get off the machines when they´re resting between their sets...grrrrr that really pisses me off! Sometimes i want to train and a fat ass is seated in the machine where i want to work doing 4 or 5 sets without getting off the machine :mad:
  10. Zeca

    Funny pics

    great pics :D
  11. Zeca

    Eating for size

    bump for great info!
  12. Zeca

    Ice Cream!

    funny slow one :D
  13. Zeca

    Happy B-day huntergather

    Happy B-DAY
  14. Zeca


    :rolleyes:it seems very common this days.... good excuse.
  15. Zeca


    That would be a great dog....
  16. Zeca

    serostim bust

    a lot of money in there....
  17. Zeca

    Cycle Complete

    great work viper, and a 26 pound gain isn´t that bad.....
  18. Zeca

    Spanishfly may 10 keystone classic

    great definition..... congrats
  19. Zeca

    WeirdAl's new pics - 12 weeks out!

    Nice size W-Al, keep the hard work and good luck for the show!
  20. Zeca

    What's your ethnic background?

    100% european here. straight portuguese