Cycle Complete

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Sup everybody, well my cycle is complete my goal was to break 200 pounds on this cycle...but I didn't oh well going now to take a few months off and come back and try it again.

Stats Before: 6'3 162
Stats After : 6'3 188

Hoping to break 200 but didn't cycle looked like this:
Weeks 1-4 50mg of BD Anadrol
Weeks 1-12 600mg of test(frontloaded 800mg first 3 weeks)
Weeks 1-12 400mg of deca
Last 2 weeks going to do winny and fina to just harden up
however the winny is homemade and just so painful on the worse than test 400 by denkall, and
plus I am prone to gyno.....tried to run fina but after only 3 injections at 100mg eod, my gyno just turned bad....I know u
are not supposed to use deca and fina in same cycle, but still
I tried...and still nothing.....but more biggie.. also
25mg of nolvadex when needed
and 1mg of armidex as well..

Will start clomid thereapy on Monday along with
my nolvadex and run..then when I finish
that off I am going to run my get rid of that
gyno...take care bro's...and it was a great cycle I learned
a lot from this cycle...and realize how important things are..
take care and happy cycling.

good job on the cycle, to bad about the gyno.

your homemade winny how did you make it? Did you follow my winny in oil instructions? Mine has always turned out painless.
well another member(very good friend) of this board made it for me....and damn that stuff hurts..I only took half a cc..that's 50mg of winny in my left bicep and it's still sore as hell, and that was on monday...can barely extend my arm out!!! but oh well....better luck next time I guess...I guess I will go with the orals next time!!
thanks bro's...will try to eat like a horse without the juice now..while off.....trying to keep calories up and carbs up and protein up..thanks bro's....
As a few others said 26 pounds is a heck of a cycle! Now comes the critical stuff- keeping it! Good luck!

I was a little unclear as to when you were starting clomid. Did your cycle just end? If so wait 3 weeks (for the deca to clear) and then start clomid.
26 pounds on cycle is great results bro. Now work hard on keeping it and come back on the next cycle with vengance to break 200
200lbs was a little far to get in one cycle but what you did is great!. I'm sure you learned how diet is very important to putting on weight.
you're a brave one to inject into your biceps when you don't know if it'll hurt or first shot of fina hurt in mine, and it was painless everywhere else
thanks bro....I appreciate it...I was thinking about just drinking the winny......but...didn't really know if that would be a good idea or not?
Up 26lbs...great job---why didn't your height increase? j/k

Viper, you gained a lot on that cycle, especially when you look at it as a % of prior body weight. Those are YOUR muscles, now take them to the gym and make them stronger. Stay focused and positive. 200 is just around the corner.... now congradulate yourself, good job.