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  1. T

    Stalker at the gym WTF is the right thing to do, please help!!!

    I think you need to talk to gym management. As soon as he starts in again, let them know what is going on and tell them you want him gone. If it were me I would very much want to hit him, but I'm a hothead and get into trouble that way! Gym management should be receptive to you wanting to work...
  2. T

    do you correct people in the gym with bad form?

    Yeah that exactly! Plus I've learned over time that what is "bad form" to me may not be to someone else and vice versa. We all have to find that sweet spot for things like tempo and ROM, that works best for us. That being said, there are clearly some people who have no idea, but they are...
  3. T

    "Team MuscleChemistry 2011"

    How were we supposed to apply if interested? I sent a PM but didn't hear back.
  4. T

    Amino Acids, who takes them and how many grams?

    10g BCAA's and 10g glutamine first thing in the am and before training. Sometimes between meals. Both True Protein and Prescription Nutrition have good products.
  5. T

    NPP in the Delt

    I was pinning prop in the Delta last year and it would do the same thing unless I used a 2.5 inch needle and held it in for a few secs Nandrolone is absorbed best in the glutes too by the way.
  6. T

    Roney Rockel at 250lbs!

    Wow that's basically show ready right there. Is he prepping for the Arnold?
  7. T

    Liquid Amino Product Idea

    So is this liquid you drink straight out of the container, or you dilute it in water? Either way it sounds great. I've been using instatized BCAA's and love them pre and intra workout. Could you maybe come out with a version of this that has caffeine too?
  8. T

    who here packs food for the day

    I pack two meals with me and shakes if I'm going to work. If I'm home I just cook a lot.
  9. T

    whats your meal look like before training?

    I hate working out with any amount of food still in my stomach, it has to be at least two hours after eating. So I just have some LBA's about an hour before and either BCAA's or powdered muscle during.
  10. T


    Dude that is a TON of volume. Your doing four different pressing moves for chest. I can't say that it is definately over training because that varies for everyone, but you might be close. The best way to tell is if you are still gaining. Are you putting weight on(if that's your goal)...
  11. T

    Offseason Log

    I've got about three weeks left of my "offseason". Going into contest prep mode Feb. 21 for a May 21 local show, then a mid June NPC show. So about 15 weeks prep for that one. I've put on a little bit of size and kept the bodyfat down so far since my show in Nov.
  12. T

    Nolva Bloat vs. Anti Estro vs. Aqua Dex

    LOL, do you know what 5mg of caber would do to you? You'd be fucking everything that moved, multiple times, shooting peter north loads. It' would be a fuckin massacre, ROFL!
  13. T

    Oxy Elite Pro...

    I take two of those bad boys every nite before work. Keeps me going and helps keep fat at bay
  14. T

    ECA stack Q&A

    How do you determine how much to use out of the ranges presser posted? I could guess on the caffeine. 200mg don't do shit for me so I would def. use at least 300, but the aspirin? No clue. Also, I imagine at some point in time after starting this stack it may start to diminish it's effects...
  15. T

    genetics, even the best still do high doses.

    My favorite quote from that movie is when the silly looking blond dude says something like "just once I want to hear you scream in pain!" to which Willis' character deadpans "play some rap music"
  16. T

    9-5 Plans

    Well, I have the worst possible schedule for a BBer I would think. I work 12 hour night shifts at a hospital. Sometimes it's slow and I can eat whenever I want sometimes its really busy and I'm hard pressed to get a meal break. I always prepare two whole food meals that go with me, and I...
  17. T

    Building up legs w/o squatting?

    In a word, yes. Check out any of the cyclists in the tour de france this year. Those guys are 150lbs or less and have legs the size of a 220lb bodybuilder! Pretty sure they are not squatting, lol. I think squats for most people probably is the best, but there is enough other stuff out there...
  18. T

    ECA stack Q&A

    Hey bros, That OTC fatburning thread got me thinking about the ECA stack. In the past when I used it was before the ban and I used stuff like ripped fuel and hydroxycut(man that old twin labs shit in the brown glass bottles was POTENT). When piecing together the stack nowadays it looks like...
  19. T

    Best OTC fatburner

    Hey that's good info presser, thanks a lot. I'm going to give the ECA stack a go this year for my prep.