do you correct people in the gym with bad form?


MuscleChemistry member
I have a hard time doing this, due to I dont want them bugging me all the time about things.
I smash the bar to there chest and roll it up to there neck jail-style and tell them "shut the fudge up, fudge you, get the fudge out", and follow it up with a stream of mase that I spray with my right hand thru a taser that I hold with my left, so they get mased and tased simultaniously
never. Not my place...i just look and shake head. They either get mad or ask for help. Great way to turn people on to my services and products
good form is very hard to find in my gym. i actually stop and watch people using good form because its so rare to see
U guys all are on-point I think - Not my place.

However, if I saw a young kid who was NOT being a little fucking prick, someone who was really putting in an honest effort and was respectful, I'd ask if he'd care to hear some suggestions from me...If I was in the caring mood.
I used to try, but people take it offensively like I'm undermining them and it doesn't lead to a good situation. They'd either get mad or not pay attention so it doesn't do any good. If someone asks, I'll help them, otherwise, they can fuck themselves up for all I care
I used to try, but people take it offensively like I'm undermining them and it doesn't lead to a good situation. They'd either get mad or not pay attention so it doesn't do any good. If someone asks, I'll help them, otherwise, they can fuck themselves up for all I care

Yeah that exactly!
Plus I've learned over time that what is "bad form" to me may not be to someone else and vice versa. We all have to find that sweet spot for things like tempo and ROM, that works best for us.

That being said, there are clearly some people who have no idea, but they are impossible to teach most of the time anyway.
If someone asks though, I am more than happy to assist.
I keep my mouth shut unless they are friends or paying me for my PT services...

What really kills me is when a Half decent size dude is teaching poor form to his skinny friends and they look up to him like a god because he hes a few pounds heavier thn them
I have in the past but no more. People do not listen they do whatever they want. Everyone who works out thinks they are an expert in this field
if people are new in the gym then of course i will correct them... but as for the guys that ive known for years and given advice to over and over again, NO, you can only tell someone so manytimes to use proper from. alot of people you can do it till your blue in the face and they still wnt listen
When I was younger I used to try and help people. If someone asks I'll help. Peoples attitudes are different now, at least where I live. Most of the young guys are punks and its rare to see a guy with their head screwed on right. I used to go to a place called "The Gym." It was full of hard core guys and people that wanted to be hard core. The old guys helped the young guys because thats the way it was. Those little places are gone, taken over by places like Planet Fitness. I have fun with the little yuppies sometimes though. I like to make up some weird off the wall exercise. They see me doing it and think thats how I got big, so in a week or so I see one of them doing it. Yeah I'm a jerk.
When I was younger I used to try and help people. If someone asks I'll help. Peoples attitudes are different now, at least where I live. Most of the young guys are punks and its rare to see a guy with their head screwed on right. I used to go to a place called "The Gym." It was full of hard core guys and people that wanted to be hard core. The old guys helped the young guys because thats the way it was. Those little places are gone, taken over by places like Planet Fitness. I have fun with the little yuppies sometimes though. I like to make up some weird off the wall exercise. They see me doing it and think thats how I got big, so in a week or so I see one of them doing it. Yeah I'm a jerk.

That's some funny shit
Rarely. Lot of time its some short timer who thinks he' the shit cus he been working out 4 months. I'm not going to give those assholes
any good advice - lol. What gets me is someone who has mabey 2-6 months experience working out, and someone has shown them
how to do something, and they think that it the only way to do it. One of these guys is being trained by the owners wife at my gym
and he thinks her was is the only way to do things. He has tried to correct me a few times when he has no idea what I'm doing or why
I'm doing it. (I've been doing this shit over 30 years) The
other day I went off on him. I told him if I wanted to look like the owners wife, like he is starting to, I would do it her way. Guy looked
like he lost his best friend. I almost felt bad for a munite.
I won't correct someone unless they're doing something really stupid like facing the wrong way in the squat rack.
If i think it would hurt someone I might if they seem to be trying to learn the ropes so to speak. I used to get irritated at this group of tools in my last gym that went around correcting everyone and even showed bad form themselves. It was very annoying but since they competed in some local shows and their pics were on the walls people looked at them like Gods. There was a guy who modeled for Abercrombie who did 120s on the incline and he was tall and wormy and I used to watch him help people. He did it the right way and seemed to always get people straightened out without them being offended. Then again he was all over walls too.
My buddy who was my trainer for a couple years said " you cant save everyone, its to exhausting and they dont listen most of the time anyway." I like to squat and deadlift without shoes. All of a sudden there was a bunch of highschool kids doing it. Not sayin it was because of me, but all of a sudden its not allowed. A gym clerk came to me and said "you have to have shoes on" now they're making announcements over the P.A about footwear! I hate that gym!
Just because of my nature I don't talk to people much at the gym, so I usually don't offer much advice. Unless I see someone who can't figure out how to adjust the seat on a machine or something like that. But, on the other side of the coin, I remember being new at the gym as a teen and some of the veterans offering corrections, like keep your back straighter while doing dumbbell rows. And I always was thankful for such help. But, I always feel like the teens of today would just roll their eyes.