Search results

  1. T

    Protein Powder and Gainer

    Without a doubt it's True Protein. Great prices and the quality is unmatched by anyone else. If you buy a lb of whey isolate, you get a lb of whey isolate. Any flavors or additives you buy with it get ADDED to the weight that you purchased. You can make your own custom mixes or buy one of...
  2. T

    Superted is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench

    Well, IMHO dips and close grip bench would be your best bet IF you can do them without pain. Something you may be able to do that shouldn't involve your shoulders is a variation of a skull crusher I learned over at IM. They call it a dead tricep or something like that. Bascially you lay on the...
  3. T

    back injury

    Yeah I would stick to some lighter weights for now, but do the movements so you can build back up. Do you do real heavy set's often? I usually try to do a double or triple about once a month to 6 weeks to see where I'm at. Any more than that I can feel my body yelling at me. I train pretty...
  4. T

    Video of me posing

    Wow man looking pretty huge. Your back is crazy! Quads are decent but if you could bring your hammies and calves up at all between now and show time that would be the ticket. I'm sure you already know that though huh. And that's just cause your upper body is so massive. Your legs are...
  5. T

    Offseason Log

    So I missed my workout yesterday due to some time management problems, lol. Did it today instead. I don't have my logbook with me but I remember the weights anyway. Warmed up with some latpulldowns, 3 sets of 10 with 100lbs. Did five sets of chins for a total of 39 reps. Normally would do...
  6. T

    MuscleChemistrys $250 Body Weight Bench Press Competition!

    On most every movement I do, I do about 75-80% ROM. For me this works well, keeps constant tension on the muscle. On flat bench I do a little less though because at heavier weights I can feel it pulling at my pec/shoulder insertion. That being said, at bodyweight, I will do just about a full rep.
  7. T

    Slowly breaking in to my contest prep phase

    LOL at the "bulked"! Sounds like a good place to start though. Are you coming down to be in the heavys or will you be a super heavy? I think i'm going to have to run a 20 week or so prep also. I like the idea of what you are doing your first 4-6 weeks. Very interested in your results as time...
  8. T

    MuscleChemistrys $250 Body Weight Bench Press Competition!

    Count me in for sure! So if we post it to youtube and then link here every vid is going to be available to wathc imeadiately right?
  9. T

    Just curious........

    I don't know what the powers that be can and can't use, but I just try to use common sense in things that I post instead. I don't care if people see my face, I'm not trying to hide from anyone. You just have to watch what you post as far as what you ordered and when you expect your delivery...
  10. T

    NPC card went up AGAIN

    when you buy a NPC card is good until the end of the calender year, or is it good for 12 months?
  11. T

    what does "winter weight" mean to you?

    I think most people use it to mean the weight they put on literally over the winter months, especially in a cold ass place like WI. You got the holidays where everyone binges and drinks a lot, and people tend to be less active and stay inside and eat more. So a lot of people put on weight in...
  12. T

    Slowly breaking in to my contest prep phase

    Sounds good man. Where are you starting out right now as far as BF goes?
  13. T

    Offseason Log

    Cool. My basic goal is to get up to nine good reps with a weight, then move up five or ten pounds, repeat.
  14. T

    Test Cyp vs Sust for TRT?

    I was reading an article once where they talked about using sustanon for TRT. The gist of it ended up being if you take your dose once every ten days you get nice stable blood levels the whole way. The prop kicks in right away, then the phenylprop, cyp/deconate etc. It probably is still...
  15. T

    Offseason Log

    CGBP 285x7 265x8 245x10 225x10 225x10 Hammer Curls 60x8 55x9 50x9 45x12 40x13 Standing DB Lateral Raise 50x10 45x10 40x10 Upright Row 110x9 100x12
  16. T

    Offseason Log

    Did quads hammies and abs today. Squats 365x8 330x10 300x12 SLDL 275x6 250x9 Hammer Strength Standing Leg Curl 120x9 Adductor Machine 200(stack)x18 Roman Chair Situps BWx20x5 And some blurry cell pics lol
  17. T

    Offseason Log

    Pretty much all the time. I've always done better with lower volume and higher frequency. My split is a little different now, because I've been working with Phil Hernon. The split stays the same but the number of sets changes depending on certain factors. I had been doing a 531 routine for...
  18. T

    wicked recovery and growth stack

    Looks like a pretty good/effective stack, especially with the peptides.
  19. T

    Do you like to be spotted during a lift?

    exactly that for me too
  20. T

    Old Vick vs. New Vick

    Without question the new one! He still has all the old physical attributes, but with a much harder work ethic and focus. He downright fucking scary right now...