MuscleChemistrys $250 Body Weight Bench Press Competition!

Count me in for sure! So if we post it to youtube and then link here every vid is going to be available to wathc imeadiately right?
i'm long as my shoulder holds out......last summer i did the olm 225 for reps contest and during a contest diet down from 210 to 175 i was able to get 19 clean reps (i think i saved the video on youtube) doing my bodyweight should be easy for 30-40.......
I'd jump in here but don't think I'll win. Just getting back after a 6 month lay off due to back surgery. I'm only back in the game a few weeks so still working out the kinks. It was a long summer. I wasn't totally depressed but I was a bitch to live with. Some guys bounce back
easy, I guess, but I was afraid, hate to say that, but I had fear. I was told no more deads or squats. No lifting over 50lbs etc. Let's just say I was down. I'll think about it but I can't film anything here at work where I train. I'll have to use my shitty bench at home if I decide to jump in here. Pax.

I'd jump in here but don't think I'll win. Just getting back after a 6 month lay off due to back surgery. I'm only back in the game a few weeks so still working out the kinks. It was a long summer. I wasn't totally depressed but I was a bitch to live with. Some guys bounce back
easy, I guess, but I was afraid, hate to say that, but I had fear. I was told no more deads or squats. No lifting over 50lbs etc. Let's just say I was down. I'll think about it but I can't film anything here at work where I train. I'll have to use my shitty bench at home if I decide to jump in here. Pax.


just doing it is a it to challenge yourself and just to see where you're at might surprise yourself!!!
I am not sure but I think you guys can all upload your videos to our youtube channel located here YouTube - MuscleChemistry's Channel

Im not sure how it works as in whther or not you guys can upload your videos to my channel or not cause i never used this, the wife set it up like a year ago and i never did anything with it til now

If its possible for you guys to upload your videos to the MuscleChemistry channel then I rather you guys do that
We should specify that each rep has to be locked out, because you know someone is going to try to do like 100 reps at a 2" ROM and think that it actually counts
can I use this video and superimpose my face? :bench:

Is this event being drug tested? I'm not competing with a bunch of cheaters!
So are we touching chest and locking out arms for ever rep... Just asking Press..
I never touch my chest benching brutha, too much shoulder gets involved when u hit the chest, as long as they are nice full reps you dont have to hit chest , just no bullshit reps ya know
I never touch my chest benching brutha, too much shoulder gets involved when u hit the chest, as long as they are nice full reps you dont have to hit chest , just no bullshit reps ya know

I never lock out. I use to but since an injury I can't. I think it takes the stress off the pecs when you do lockout though. If you don't lockout you have continues stress on the muscle.
On most every movement I do, I do about 75-80% ROM. For me this works well, keeps constant tension on the muscle. On flat bench I do a little less though because at heavier weights I can feel it pulling at my pec/shoulder insertion.
That being said, at bodyweight, I will do just about a full rep.