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  1. M

    Remember your first cycle?

    i was 20yrs old ,a freind gave me one bottle of t 200 brovel. and one pin also . i drew and shot with the same pin once a week. for four weeks . and lost my temper one day and beat all the windows out of my truck because it had an oil leak. so i blamed it on the gear and quit . but just for a...
  2. M

    Debris in vial everytime ??

    after you added your oil to your dissolved hormone did you heat and stir until the swirls where gone. once you add the oil to the ba and hormone you should heat and stir untill the swirls are gone and heat another could be that your just seeing swirls they look like clear no...
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    i am 1 week off a enanthate ,eq cycle havent started pct yet no clen nothing and i am having massive cramps all over.even when i shower my chest muscle cramps up when i wash my arm pits. i don't think it is a hydration thing i have no idea what it is but would like to know if it is a post cycle...
  4. M

    propecia users

    i have taking propecia and i worked really well but it was before i started gear i was thinning in the back ,it took six months before i saw any improvement. but after a year all of my hair had came back and it was getting pretty thin.but the stuff does work .
  5. M

    has anyone heard of these labs

    d&G pharmaceuticals formely phreakpharmlabs American pharmaceuticals
  6. M

    open source posting

    what would be the best way to check these sources out.
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    open source posting

    ive been on some other boards that have open source forums .how are they doing that with out taking a risk of getting caught.i mean how do they know im not johnny law dawg.
  8. M

    IGF with my bulker?

    interesting , i need to know because i plan on running it on my next two bulking cycles.
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    worried about a bust

    thanks for all the help i think for now i will take it to my parents aleast until i think every thing is ok.i may not have anything to worry about but where i live narcing out is a big thing because the scared dumbasses think it will help them get out of trouble.
  10. M

    IGF with my bulker?

    dont mean to jack your post but , why wouldn't you want to run it through the whole cycle. why just the last 6 weeks.
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    worried about a bust

    a friend of mine says that reformatting the thing with the original set up disc will wipe it out and start like you just got the computer.dont know will try it today.
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    worried about a bust

    some body pm me if you have too.
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    worried about a bust

    some people in my area were busted this week not only for aas but narcotics as well . but i am afraid that shit may run down hill because there is a song bird in the bunch and you never know. anyway i cleaned house and was wondering what to do about my computer can i reformat it or should i just...
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    site injection for igf-1

    does igf-1 have an effect on the body part that it is injected in ,i read alot about injecting into the biceps was wondering why.
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    off cycle supplements

    sound like advise that i can live with ,im scared of slin anyway because it is dangerous, thanks guys .looks like i need to order some supplements though.
  16. M

    off cycle supplements

    what do you guys take off cycle as far as supplements to keep gaining or to aleast keep your gains. i want to use igf-1 off cycle is this a good idea, and what about creatine and aminos or is all that stuff just a waste of money.also is insulin good to run with the igf. any advise would help i...
  17. M

    Personal IGF experience

    thanks for clearing that up . i was just told two days ago on another board that all it was banned sometime in january.
  18. M

    Personal IGF experience

    i didn't think igf-1 was legal if its real than how can mc just sell the stuff without getting nailed.
  19. M

    Muscle Growth for Beginners with Anabolics, Diet and Training.

    i would like to know more on the work out section i am interested in the 3day principle . i agree with the rest between workout days i just dont know how 1set on each exercise is enough and how you can work chest and shoulders in the same allways open for advise i would like to to talk...
  20. M

    Growth Principles for Beginners

    i would like to know more on the work out section i am interested in the 3day principle . i agree with the rest between workout days i just dont know how 1set on each exercise is enough and how you can work chest and shoulders in the same allways open for advise i would like to to talk...