Search results

  1. R

    DB's wheels

    look incredible. good luck with the competitions.
  2. R

    whats the fastest way to cut body fat%

    i'm sure throwing up can get you fast results........jk
  3. R

    Mild Cutter

    I hate asking this cause i probably forgot, but what is var?
  4. R

    how much do you bench

    about 340 and i weigh 202. i'll admit its not as impressive as jaywooly's dong.
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    blood test result, slightly elevated ALT level

    bump it bump. I found an interesting read (I should have done this earlier) which was posted by scorpio about a comprehensive list of blood tests. here is a portion i copied and pasted about ALT: ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase, previously known as SGPT) This is yet another enzyme that is...
  6. R

    blood test result, slightly elevated ALT level

    I had bloodwork done yesterday and the results are in. Everything is normal except my ALT liver enzyme, which is about 50. The normal level is around 40. I had bloodwork done 2 months ago and my ALT level was 72, so thats a good thing i lowered it. My doctor thinks its my eating methods...
  7. R

    help me out wit my workout plan

    lol i meant join a gym ...
  8. R

    help me out wit my workout plan

    you already have access to the football training facility right? work out there or join if that suits you better. Rest is very important so when you are at home just relax and eat your meals.
  9. R

    hair loss with old age?

    my dads old. hes in his 60's, he has thin hair and doesn't have much hair top of his head. in older family photos he had hair when he was in his 30s and 40s. I'm trying to figure out how prone i am to hairloss, and since he is older i'm not sure if his age is a factor. My question is, is...
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    Need some help

    i know test converts into dht, but doesnt deca convert into the derivative of dht called dhn? is dhn as bad on hair as dht is? I guess my real question is, is it dangerous to mix the propecia with the test or with the deca?
  11. R

    internet dating

    there will be people like that around, one guy (who was skinny as hell) once claimed he was stronger than me after he asked how much i bench. rookie question right there. i think he did that to impress a girl i was sitting next to at the time. its nothing important but i think i remember that...
  12. R

    whats your favorite exercise?

    squats, i am trying hard to love them just so i do them
  13. R

    Hello, i am new to site, and need lots of help!

    just my 2 cents i think you are overtraining abs. it would be better to bring it down to twice a week instead because you are working out your abs indirectly when you work other muscles. Remember, muscles grow from resting, not overtraining. Also i didnt see anything written about cardio. If...
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    1 Methyl Test + 4 Ad Stack Info. wanted!

    what about purities of the products? Shouldn't you stick with a company who is trustable enough to sell quality products?
  15. R

    Tell us how you found MC

    gym buddy told me to check it out. this board gave me a whole new perspective on the lifting lifestyle to say the very least.
  16. R

    abnormal liver results help me!

    I just learned that you arent supposed to eat food for about 12 hours (or something like that) before getting bloodwork done. I had 3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, and oatmeal about an hour before my blood was drawn. Hopefully that is the problem I'm not too worried anymore thanks for the input guys.
  17. R

    abnormal liver results help me!

    i got standard blood work done a week ago, and the results for my liver are abnormal. i didnt take the phone call, and the office is closed so i got to wait till monday. Anyway, I did a 6 week cycle of 19-nor andro which ended at the beginning of this past summer. I thought it would have...
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    bump that
  19. R

    Alternatives to drinking?

    I dont drink at all. Not to sound like i'm a better person or anything, i never got used to the taste. but i go out to bars a lot with friends to hang out and talk to girls (or at least try to).
  20. R

    New to the board, Few pics inside.

    thats funny cause the average person who wants to drop 10-20 pounds or so, and uses a thermo is considered unnatural. Anyhow, you look good man, i'm 22 and trying to look like you. i'm not natty cause i used ephedra and 19-nor andro before......