how much do you bench

Last spring i benched 415 when i was about 215 lbs. Then i lost like 20 pounds and now my bench is down.
i benched that 425 3 weeks ago ive been sick with the flu last couple of weeks so i know my bench is down but ill get it back up
feeling alot better know so we will see how it goes starting monday when im back at it .
My best in the gym was 540, but I was weighing in the 230's.

My best in competition @220 class with single ply standard INZER blast is 518 lbs.

My best ever is 501@198lbs with single ply standard INZER blast.
I haven't maxed out my bench since it was 285, maybe a couple of years back.

I've never put more than 365 on the bar but I can rep that out.
I haven't maxed out in quite some time but it used to be in the 325-340 range. Just a guess, because I always did multiple reps.
I usually end with 215-225 for medium reps Haven't done anymore than that in about 2yrs, shoulder goes sour with much more weight.
most was 535....right now my low rep set is 430 for 4...i'm not near as strong as i used to be...getting old...415 for 10 used to be the catalyst of my bench
Currently up to 315 lbs. has increased about 20lbs in the last 6 weeks working under Big A's routine...
Well, mine is not nearly as impressive as all yours, but I press 135. Never tried to max out, because I don't have a spotter...but it's probably close to that weight.