how much do you bench

My best bench is 545lbs. I haven't done that since last year though. I had a shoulder injury but i don't go any heavier then 405 for reps now. My weight is 240's lean. I have a sister who benches 225 for 5-6 reps and she weighs around 170lbs. She's doing the national teenage competition in pittsburg this coming july..
Cool =Biceps curls: 37 lbs / 16.5 kg, 6x3Same on deltoids and forearm curls.Reverse forearmcurls...maybe 15 lbs.Although Im really weak when it comes to bench, I only bench 120 lbs/55kg 6x3 =220 lbs/100 kg on calfraises 10x3I only squat 130 lbs/60 kg 6x3 though.But Ive only been training for 3 months, so maybe Ill be real strong in a year or so =I find it quite easy to stay disciplined, I train WuShu /Kung Fu 3 times a week and do weightlifting 5 times a week, so on wednesdays I do both; those days are crazy =D but i agree, deltoids and biceps, and abdominals are insaneI got sick a month ago; for week and it really ruined my muscles. I got ALOT weaker, but now Im back =DBtw, for how long have you been training and how old are ya?Edit: Oh, just checked your profile. 16, like me =D
I have done 405 for 2. I like higher reps when it comes to chest. Maxing out is not good for my shoulders. I can do 225 for 30 reps. I also bench with my feet up on the bench.
I never bench as I feel it just isn't a very good movement for me. However, I did close grip 325 for 4 @ 210lb. That's gotta be the most weight I've handled on a bench.
Wow, you guys are nuts! Some of that weight is just rediculous! Good job! I maxed out last spring at 305. I will have 3 plates before christmas.
I maxed 315 at 170 lbs and was doing reps with 275, but that was all about 12 years ago. Now I'm doing reps with 205 at about 160 bodyweight. My left shoulder and wrist stay sore recently, so I just can't get my bench back up.
The most I have benched is 450 for 5 clean reps. Chris250 was one of my spotters
Wow, very impressive. lotta big benchers in here. My bench is sad. I weigh 275-278 as of now, and am hitting 315 for 3, I have never gone higher. I am strong as shit in most of my lifts, but biceps and bench are real hard for me. But I am also 5'8", and my reach is 73.5". I dont know why god has allowed this to be, but I have since accepted it. I am currently three weeks in to a whole new routine, and am working to get much stronger.

also, gonna run some tren. yeah, so stuff that barbell. Ya punk bitch. lol
i had a new record today, 315 for 2 @ 202lbs. I actually got like 4, but my spotter, grabbed the last 2 reps. Tell you what, my fucking shoulders are feeling it bad....
My max is 385 @ 240lbs that was last yr. I going to hit 400 before the year is over.
I have not maxed out on the bench in ages, so I have no clue but i am over 500lbs as i work out with 410 ( no spotter) on my 3rd or 4th set usualy and then drop set and do 225lbs for 30 reps on my last set, so my best guess is im maybe mid 500's
I have not maxed out on the bench in ages, so I have no clue but i am over 500lbs as i work out with 410 ( no spotter) on my 3rd or 4th set usualy and then drop set and do 225lbs for 30 reps on my last set, so my best guess is im maybe mid 500's