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  1. S

    Human Evolution products...

    What type of sweetener is in the protein and other products? It seems like everything has sucrolose or something else in it. I don't do real well with artificial sweetners.
  2. S

    UFC 113 this weekend!!

    That championship match is either going to be really good or really slow.
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    You guys trim you nose hairs?

    I use the electric trimmer thing that they always sell on TV. It works well.
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    Test E shelf life

    It would only be about 6 months so I think I be plenty fine. Thanks
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    Test E shelf life

    One the top is popped, how long is it good?
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    Remember Ultimate Orange

    The old Ultimate Orange was great. It worked too well I guess so it disapeared. Now its back but not even close to the same thing
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    WWE Jeff Hardy Busted!

    This is why he looks so beat up. Most all of his matches were like this. (He is in all black with red sleeves and blond hair) I think he will be back though...they are hyping him up so much. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"...
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    WWE Jeff Hardy Busted!

    Nothing has been proven yet. A judge has yet to rule whether or not there's enough evidence to go to trial.
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    exercises youve never tried vol. 20.

    Good stuff. You will deffinately get some looks with this one. I am ACE certified but I still do these as I know the importance of the posterior chain. (Im also NASM certified)
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    Anybody make their own jerkey?

    Thats the same kind of dehydrator I have. Love it! Never done the jerky gun thing though. I always just buy bulk cuts and marinate them or rub them and let them go.
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    Why wont my calves respond?!?!

    I played hockey but I was goalie so there wasnt a whole lot of movement. More powerfull side to side moves than straight away. I have started doing higher reps...10 rest for 5, 15 rest for 10, 25 rest for 15, and then back about 75 reps 2-3 sets.
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    Important Contest Guys!!

    Things that make you go hmmm....
  13. S

    Why wont my calves respond?!?!

    I have done everything I can think of to get them to grow (mom has good calves but dad is built like me; strong but not overly muscular). The rest of me is growing but they are staying the same. I have tried heavy weight, low reps. Light weight, high reps. 5x5, DC, dropsets. I have tried...
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    Trestolone or 7 alpha-Methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a syntheticandrogen that is ten times as potent as testosterone. MENT is not 5-alpha reduced to DHT. It inhibits gonadotrophin release, suppresses testosterone and sperm production. Yet, MENT provides adequate replacement therapy for most...
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    genx wtf

    You noticed that too?
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    Anyone do dips

    My ribcage sometimes does that when I am squating if I brethe too deep, but I love some dips. Sometimes I do them twice a week. Once with chest, once with tris. It all depends on how they are done.
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    Important Contest Guys!!

    Why are steroids illegal? There was a big outcry in the media about steroid use at the 1988 Olympics in general and by Ben Johnson, the notorious track star. Books like "A Death in the Locker Room", anti-steroid "After School Specials", former gear using athletes getting up on their soap boxes...
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    Ongoing contest!!!!!!

    Interesting...."hope I dont catch a hernia"
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    Culter Guest posing this past weekend

    I have to agree with you on that one.