Important Contest Guys!!

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We need everyones educated opinions on the following topics and questions. Please think about your response and post your opinion here. There will be 2 prizes awarded for the best responses on each board !! Amounts will be 300$ gear credit for first place and 150$ gear credit for second prize courtesy of !

The questions that need to be answered are:
Why are steroids illegal.
I would like to see arguments for why steroids should not be illegal and how it would be better for us if they were not illegal.
They could be regulated, taxed, restricted by age limits but not illegal.

So what are your opinions on what the governments motivation is for making steroids illegal if they are not addictive, healthy and used by people that are focussed.
Why is the government wrong about ther position.

Please post your educated well thought out responses!!!!<!-- / message -->
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man,, this is an awesome idea....i just wish i could express my views in an educated way instead of being pissed off and bitching!!!
Why are steroids illegal?

There was a big outcry in the media about steroid use at the 1988 Olympics in general and by Ben Johnson, the notorious track star. Books like "A Death in the Locker Room", anti-steroid "After School Specials", former gear using athletes getting up on their soap boxes slaying gear, the I.O.C. and U.S.O.C. demonizing a.a.s. in the wake of the Johnson case, and the media blitz that followed it was too much for the politicians. Many of them were fighting for the media spotlight in order to be named champions of the anti-steroid movement. It was political opportunism plain and simple. The Anabolic Steroid Control Act was snuck into the Omnibus Crime Control Bill of 1989 that was signed by President Bush, and the rest, as they say, is history. Maybe the President wasn’t all that enthused about the A.S.C.A., but there were things in that crime bill that were very much wanted. Remember, there was no line item veto back then. As President, he couldn't strike out any part of the bill without vetoing the whole bill. And he wasn't going to sacrifice that whole bill just to keep a.a.s. from becoming controlled substances.

The public perception of a.a.s is so that they are the worst thing ever created. Sure they have a downside all be it small if used correctly they have many benefits, they are not pure evil. How about other drugs that are still up for free sale such as alcohol and cigarettes? Let me just throw some stats out:

• Over 443,000 Americans (over 18 percent of all deaths) die because of smoking each year. Secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 of them
• The CDC reports that around 35,000 died of liver disease related to alcohol, and another 41,000 or so died in alcohol related car accidents.

Both of these can kill users as well as others that have no choice in the matter. I have not been able to find a number on steroid deaths. According to the statistics, at most 3 people die from steroid or steroid injection injury in the United States, far less than people who die from alcohol, tobacco, car accidents, skydiving, aspirin, lightning strikes, and wild animal attacks.....just food for thought...

De-criminalization of a.a.s would make it easier to regulate and govern. Without having to “hide”, users would be more likely to have frequent blood work done to check their health while on. True it would put some UG Labs down but it would force all gear to be made under the most sanitary conditions; reducing the risk of infection and other complications.

The way I see it is that if you can go to a plastic surgeon to get new boobs, lips or any other type of elective procedure then why can a healthy adult not be able to electively change their body through the use of a.a.s?

Sorry if I rambled on...
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In the US steroids are illegal because:

-the US gov't believes that they would make more $$ on them because even though many doctors will prescribe them in small doses to healthly men, insurance does not cover them

-the gov't makes $$, fining people INSANE amounts of $$ when they are caught with them

- the gov't knows most pro athletes, wrestlers, well built actors & other figures that are young mens role models have used them & the gov't hopes that children don't use them

-the gov't needs an easy scape goat when they seem to be failing cracking down on rec drugs(taking down a roid dealer is much safer then a rec reational drug dealers that have guns, experiment with mind altering substances etc.)
Franconian I wanna see that paper bro!!!

Keep em coming guys I appreciate the input
to bad franc.

keep em coming guys thanks for the responses
Steroids are illegal because of simple misconceptions, politics and pure ignorance. They became illegal in 1990 due to the Anabolic Steroid Control Act. What is interesting, is that the FDA,DEA and the National Institute on Drug Abuse among other institutions were against the proposed amendment to this law. Congress' reason was that there was an epidemic of steroids in American high schools in the mid 1980s. No medical professionals or people who have an avid knowledge of steroids and their effects both good and bad on the human body we're allowed to testify. Congress wanted professional athletes to justify the use of steroids as being unethical. Ironic that George Bush Sr. was president at that time. Ethics? Yeah right!

It wasn’t until September 24th, 1987, when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson beat American favorite Carl Lewis for the gold medal in the 100m that making them illegal was ‘justified’ as Johnson tested positive for Winstrol. I wonder if things would have been different if Carl Lewis we’re the one who tested positive or what could have happened if they BOTH we’re using. This brings me to believe that the American government added anabolic steroids to the controlled substances act to ‘save face’ and in the public's eye it was the most opportune time to.

Anabolic steroids should be legalized because of the many capabilities they have at improving the quality of life. They have the ability to cause rapid muscle generation, growth and repair. That is why they are used specifically to aid the crucial replacement in most muscle wasting terminal diseases like the HIV and cancer among some other serious illnesses. Acute stages of terminal diseases require steroid medicines to boost regeneration of wasted tissues and increase body strength usually critically needed. Steroids are illegal because of their ‘health’ implications right? Well thousands of people have died because their doctor would NOT prescribe them testosterone for their condition. [media][/media]If steroids we’re legal it would be GREAT to say they could be perfectly regulated as well as taxed and restricted by age limits but the truth is,as with everything else; they 100% cannot be. Alcohol and cigarettes are both legal, and regulated are they not? Yet underage drinking and smoking is still imminent. The exact same avenues teens have been using in the past can be used up until today. Steroids we’re banned to protect high school kids from using them. In 2002, the CDC did a study and the results showed that since 1991,only a year after being banned, there was a significant increase in steroid usage amongst school age children. They we’re asked how easy it is to obtain them and 22% of eigth graders, 33.2% of 9th graders, and 46.1% of tenth graders reported they we’re fairly easy to obtain. In 2001, the percentage of teens who believed steroids were detrimental to their health dropped from 68% to 62%. So just WHO ARE THEY PROTECTING? Illegal or not they are still getting access to them. The common notion amoungst many is that one or two cycles will get them looking like Jay or Ronnie. If you truly believe that then I PERSONALLY will buy you every steroid in the book, then we can split the Olympia prize money when you win it.

When a steroid bust occurs, countless resources and hours of man power are utilized. The irony is that many of the law enforcement officers paid to enforce the law are using the stuff as well. I wonder how many cops go home from a hard day's work and take out a crack pipe. Most cops I see can't even button their shirts all the way up whether its their bulging pectorals or their ridiculous guts. Either way, based on the LAW, which is healthier than the other? What message are you sending when you come to arrest me for my steroid use and you have to walk thru my door sideways to get in?

Why does the US Government feel it is their place to search for the "truth" about steroid users whether professional athletes or the average joe when there are greater concerns in this country and around the world that need to be addressed. I don't get why the government goes to such great length to search for the "truth" and 'protect' people about steroid usage when there are greater uncertainties that need to be answered. This country is involved in war and is losing soldiers by the thousands. And the Government cares if Clemens, Bonds or other big name athletes use steroids? In 1982, the United States Surgeon General's report stated that 'Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality in the United States.' Up to today, about 438,000 people lose their lives each year to cigarette smoking! These stats are simply astronomical, yet with this being known the suregon general has the audactity to simply put a 'warning' on a box of cigarettes and turn around and say steroid abuse is a major problem in this country? Why can we not open a box of test and see a Surgeon General's warning on the vial? Most don't know but statictically, the bahit of cigarette somking in minors makes them more susceptible to trying marijuana. Should cigarettes be made illegal? If they we're people would smoke anyway. Are you goin to arrest every single person you see somking a cigarette? To this day, there are no HUGE statistics on how many people anabolic steroids have killed or seriously injured. From my point of view, anabolic steroids users are leading happy fulfilling lives; -some making millions of dollars; some feeling like they're in their twenties again; and most giving the rest of the hypocrites who simply drink beer, eat bullshit, and live life with wreckless abandonment the entertainment they desire.

What is amazing to me is that I've never heard of a bodybuilder going off and otherwise breaking the law due to his steroid use or 'abuse';and I'm sure Craig Titus's ordeal was not 'roid rage' either. I've met a few pros and they are some of the nicest guys around. They make a good living and are normal functioning members of society. On the other hand, you will never ever see Congress have a hearing for crack or heroin use because it won't attract much media attention and there will be ultimately be a lack of public attention. If a celeb or athlete is suspected of doing drugs he or she simply 'goes to rehab' but when he is suspected of juicing there is a cry for someone to step in and 'regulate'. Which one is putting their health more at risk? I could juice all my life and never hit a 90 mile an hour fast ball much less throw one. Steroids won't give you hands to catch a football or the mechanics to shoot a jumpshot. Fans want to see blazing speed on the track and intense aggresion on the field. People are using now than when they we're legal. There is more research out now and it would be safer to legalize so it can be manufactured and easily accessed to those of age. This certainly would cut down on scammers. If you choose to use them then you should educate yourself on their side effects and enjoy the benefits.

I leave you with this, steroids like everything else in life comes with side effects. Orals are taxing on the liver and this is sometime blown out of proportion, but for those who may not know, the FDA has advised that drugs with acetaminophen the main ingedient in TYLENOL should be taken off the market. If taken 4 days in a row serious side effects and liver damage can occur and it has been proven. People have ended up in the hospital with jaundice for outrageous doses on oral anabolics, but I guarantee you pop 5 Tylenol a day for an entire week and that'll be your LAST headache! Steroids can cause gynecomastia for which there is tamoxifen easily sold to combat it. Alcohol and marijuana also raises estrogen levels and causes gynecomastia as well as have a toxic effect on the liver. There is no evidence to support the fact that steroids cause cancer or causes tumors to further metastisize throughout the body. Lyle Alzado died from a brain tumor. There is no evidence to this day that links the tumor to his extensive steroid use. It has gotten to the point where we will soon be in jail selling ourselves to a swole motherfucka named Jim Bob for a pack of smokes and a bag of Dbols. Teens are goin to use anyway. The more attention Congress brings to steroids in baseball or football or in general will only make them more appealing to them. Instead of putting a bullseye on the sports entertainment industry, or hardcore bodybuilders, or people dedicated to their sports and glorification of their bodies in general; take a look at the American Household. Parents turn a blind eye to their children and their 'weight gain' as they blame it on the 'gainer shakes' yet flies to their politician the second their kid ends up in the hospital. They can be safely and effectively used and this has been proven time and time again. Just ask the Governor of California himself.

Damn that was long....:dj:
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Lawsuits would be a reason I would add to what has already been said. This country is sue happy. I mean consider hydroxycut and ephedrine for example. If you take too much of course your body will be damaged in some way. No one ever says that tylenol can kill you if you take too much, that it does more liver damage than any oral steroid, or that it should be taken off the market. I am so sick of all the class action suits people are constantly posting. I suspect if steroids were legal the one guy in 5000 would try to sue for warned sides. I use to see people take double and triple the recommended doses on things like go go juice and stacker 2 and get sick, chest pains, and even one obess guy had a heartattack as he was eating (this is true) his 8 piece chicken for lunch. I suspect that our government feels like these substances are dangerous if used in that sense and that they will end up having to pay medical bills and cover the bankrupt companies after they are stripped of money.
this contest is over in a few days so get them in while youc an
Ironic fact: I can be a little 14yo girl that is permiscuous in this country & get birth control(estrogen) for free at intercity clinics....yet as a 21yo male can not get the male hormone(test) prescribed....things that make You wonder Hmmm:confused:
Ironic fact: I can be a little 14yo girl that is permiscuous in this country & get birth control(estrogen) for free at intercity clinics....yet as a 21yo male can not get the male hormone(test) prescribed....things that make You wonder Hmmm:confused:

Things that make you go hmmm....
rbethel and sponger246 you guys win. Now they were both great responses so Im going to split the prize money in half and give you both 225$ worth of gear credit.

please email me at [email protected] for order details