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  1. Glen Whitestone

    Glen's French Burger (healthy)

    :thumbsup: Alright, here it is. Ingredients: I loaf french bread, shredded parmesan cheese, 1 small can black olives, 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes w/marinade, 1/4 cup garbonzo beans (chickpeas), a dash extra virgin olive oil, a dash balsamic vinegar, 1 dash salt, 1 clove garlic; mashed, 1 dash...
  2. Glen Whitestone


    I say Mikeswift signs with his gang sign--What was the Bill the Butcher Originated Club you were in?
  3. Glen Whitestone

    A Little Bit Nervous

    Still numb but not problems otherwise. I have not gone to the doc yet.
  4. Glen Whitestone

    So sleepy.....

    Mikeswift got it. During natural function the petuitary releases harmones in short burst during deep sleep. The greatest release periods are during puberty, but the gland continues to release harmones in small doses through one's life. The previous part I know. Know I am going to take a shot...
  5. Glen Whitestone

    Aqua Burn

    Damn, I had that aqua burn shit once and I did not know how much to take. I took like 5 drops under the tounge; tasted like what I can imaging paint thinner to taste like. Anyway, the shit had me feeling like a woman with hot flashes; I was hot, then shaking like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas...
  6. Glen Whitestone

    A Little Bit Nervous

    So I am doing about 80mcg a day; 40 in the am to the quads and 40 pre-workout in the upper pecks. I had an inject this morning--brand new points--worked legs today. Now, my right quad has lost feeling where I took the shot this morning. I cannot feel it when poking at it with a pen or anything...
  7. Glen Whitestone

    bicep size

    I like the preacher curls except I do them in a special way. First, I usually reverse the pad so that my bi's hang verticle. I feel I get a better set that with my bi's at a 45 degree angle. Next, I alternate my grip frequently. I am a firm believer that only using a standard grip will limit...
  8. Glen Whitestone

    Question for Experienced Builders Only

    Yeah, I found the results of eq to be pretty good. Perhaps I will look into that.
  9. Glen Whitestone

    Traveling with syringes

    Where are you going to workout for the next two weeks? Nothing like doing reps in a hotel gym small enough to be a prison cell with only a universal. I love that universal bench press that for me is like doing close arm tricep presses because the handle is so narrow.
  10. Glen Whitestone

    Mint Chocolate Chip Muscle Milk, picking it up today

    Nothing beats powders that say "mixes easy with spoon" on the label and you put the crap in the blender only to get a lumpy mess. I don't know which I despise more, lumpy or that nice powder taste!
  11. Glen Whitestone

    Question for Experienced Builders Only

    One more and I am out. I plan on running IGF only and perhaps synthol from now on. But, in the mean time I have access to a last call. I want to cut up more. I can get winny and var for dirt; 20% less than primo. Now, what to use with IGF? I guess Winny could give me joint trouble; I doubt IGF...
  12. Glen Whitestone

    MC's IGF - Dose??

    Right now I am running 80 mcg's M-Fri. and 40 mcg's Sat and Sun. This is because I accasionally like to go for a few drinks on the weekends and don't want to fuck around; also because I live with my girl and it's easier to take only once a day on the weekend when she is sitting around. I got my...
  13. Glen Whitestone

    Favorite exercise?

    None more time than than any! When I am motivated of juicing I love chest and bi's in the same day. Nothing like getting the ladies looking at a pumped chest and vechial veins the size of garden hoses!
  14. Glen Whitestone

    MC's IGF - Dose??

    Explain to me this; lets say I'm running a 1/2 CC point--I do 4 ticks in the am, 4 in the pm. That puts me right around 80? I don't know the 1/2 Cc points. Maybe I will get some 1 CC--then how much MCG is one tick?
  15. Glen Whitestone

    Ripped or HUGE!?!?!

    I deal with the options every now and then. If I want to bulk I can gain about 15lbs eating a high calorie diet but I get a bit of a belly. If I start eating healthier I lean down to about 240 but feel a bit weaker too. I usually try to gain hoping I will keep a few pounds, but it does not...
  16. Glen Whitestone


    Has anyone read an oldschool bodybuilding book and looked at the suggested diet? Most are unacheivable; examples from one list an 20 egg omlet paired with fresh fruit and oatmeal for breakfast at 8 am followed by a 10 am snack of a baked potato, brocoli and 6 oz. steak. I don't know about you...
  17. Glen Whitestone

    How can I get my legs to grow bigger not just stronger?

    Man, my leg workout is weak. I only do 4 sets of squats 1x10 reps, 2x8 reps and 1x4 reps. Then I do leg press 3x8 reps; next leg extension 4x10. Two days later I do hams and calfs. For hams I do 3 sets of leg curls and 4 sets of deads. I used to do a lot more but all it seemed to do was make me...
  18. Glen Whitestone

    Igf- Refigerate or not Refigerate?

    I am not a chemist. I hear it is stable at temps around 70 or below. This means if your crib or closet where your hinding the shit gets hot the molecules could break down into potentially useless substances.
  19. Glen Whitestone

    Big Drug Bust in Queens

    You know what; sloppy work! I mean c'mon. From these stories they were begging to get caught. The story made it equivilent to Cabrini Green slinging drugs in 1985. For anyone who does not know Cabrini Green was a housing project in Chicago's west side.--Its all equivalent to Mc'y D's selling...
  20. Glen Whitestone

    How do you do Smith squats?

    I ain't gonna lie to you bro--I hate squats period but they have to be done. I prefer regular squats B/C I feel you do not get a good back and forth compensation to let stress off of your lower back when you go into the movement. If you are going to do smith then fack outward and adjust your...