So sleepy.....

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I am sooo tired right now. I think it's the GH. The blue tops didn't do this to me, only the jintropin seems to do it.
why is it that it makes a person sleepy??? forgive the ignorance and the laziness not not look right now for myself.
I can't remember right now myself, though IGF will make you sleepy, too. I'm reading it as a sign that it's working--especially after a workout because I literally feel like I'm growing sometimes.

--and to answer BBB's question, probably yes, I'd buy the "good stuff."
yeah I get that way with IGF and I think of it the same way, your body wants to grow and is prepared to grow and you grow while you sleep so something probably triggers your system to release melatonin or maybe even Serotonin but something gets triggered and makes me sleepy as all fucking hell
That must be it. The jintropin does it to me a lot. I feel it strongly for about 4 hours, and then it drops off some, but I'm sleepy pretty much all day.
Mikeswift got it. During natural function the petuitary releases harmones in short burst during deep sleep. The greatest release periods are during puberty, but the gland continues to release harmones in small doses through one's life.

The previous part I know. Know I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that IGF or Somotropin (GH) basically produce similar functions to work. The body is receiving harmones that the body sees during periods of deep sleep. Hence, the body still uses sleep to repair itself (building muscle). Because of the increased demand for repair the body tends to crash.

I get tired on the IGF as well. I often take naps on the stuff and sleep until about 10 am on the weekends. Normally I don't do that.
I tested it last night with IGF, I had to get up early today and used 50mcg per pec at about 9pm and can't remember seeing anything on the clock past 9:45, I must have been sound asleep before 10 and usually I don't fall asleep until 11:30 or later