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    I use this and other similar products. I do get good pumps but as to the mental focus I find that still must come from within. Marketing is king in the supplement industry. Some of the claims are rather funny.
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    What do you all perfer on a lady?

    I prefer a little landing strip
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    Presser Happy Birthday

    H.B. Presser from a 50 year old dog
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    Single, Married, significant other?

    Engaged for 14 years. Where does that fall in the survey? haha I treated it as live in significant other. Figured people seem happiest when they are engaged so why not just stay there. She works out and is in great shape but not into bodybuilding.
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    Anyone else here from Utah?

    Darn - I thought I might pick an extra one up by mail order.
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    women and accutane

    Just be careful with the stuff. My son has taken it several times and the doc has emphasized that there better be no change whatsoever that he might get a girl pregnant because it causes terrible birth defects. Now to obtain it legally there has to be bloodwork because it raises their red...
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    how bad was your first time LOL

    My first order was about $400 for a bunch of test, deca, eq and d-bol. I felt stupid sending of that much money thru Western Union to some fake name across the country. I walking away from WU thinking I was an idiot. Two weeks later my package showed up complete and the gear was excellent! I...
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    cycle lengths

    I just finished a 26 week cycle which is very long. I had a goal to meet and needed to hit it hard. It worked but I was beat when done! I usually go 12 weeks. I n addition I am on HRT and stay on test year-round anyway.
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    here's one from my show back in May '06...

    shreaded all the way bro. Keep up the great work.
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    On the John?

    Now that is a great idea - save money on toilet paper too! How long do you have to have the raw ass before it toughens up like leather? Anyway - I was going to post that crapping that much all day is part of the bulking cycle for sure. Stinks too! :dead: And gas - damn I have never had so...
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    Favorite Cycle

    Heavy test is always the base of my cycles.
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    Super Bowl predictions

    Bears vs Colts (and I do not care for either actually)
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    test levels

    I know a ton of guys who got their wives pregnant while on cycle and all was perfectly fine. I think being on test gives you the drive to do what needs to be done! Test at about 400 per week would definately get you going and make things happen. Your natural test should have returned to its...
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    HGH results

    As far as the carpel tunnel I have no problems at 2 to 3 ius per day - it just comes on at 4 and up. It goes right away once I lower the dose. Everyone is different. I sleep great with on HGH
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    Do you drink Alcohol?

    I have a drink about once ever couple of weeks - vodka, sprite and lime seems to be my favorite the past couple of years. I don't get blasted anymore.
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    HGH results

    Ok I will step up. Generic brands (called Volumioux and Blue Top). You really do have to use this stuff for a long period to get any real benefit. It took me about a month or more to suddenly start feeling the results and it is hard to explain but the best way I could explain it was I felt as...
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    I have used it with decent results and massive pumps during workouts.
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    Favorite Cycle

    I was going to see what everyone's favorite cycle has been. Since I am starting this I will go first. The following is a long bulker turned cutter that I just finished in April and it was excellent but tiring. After it was all said and done and the cutting over I ended up with a 22 lb net real...