here's one from my show back in May '06...

bulldog21 said:
Good shit man!! This is first pic I have seen of you and you are shredded.....After you settle down in your new house and get a couple of good offseason months in you will be a legit Light Heavy IMO......
thanx bro! i dont know if i like to eat enough to be a heavy weighed in at 170lbs at weigh-in for both shows this year...i got alot of work to do so hopefully i can get settled in with the house & all...
bulldog21 said:
Good shit man!! This is first pic I have seen of you and you are shredded.....After you settle down in your new house and get a couple of good offseason months in you will be a legit Light Heavy IMO......
thanx bro! that was the best that i came in so far...the show 2wks b4 i looked better than this when i woke up that morning at 5a.m. but lost it b4 i got on stage...i had to sit backstage from 8a.m. until they called us on stage at 1p.m.!!!

this picture was from the 2nd show...i was more conditioned than the guy that placed ahead of me but he was was a judges thing of wether they wanted condition & symmetry or if they wanted size...of course they went with size...he went on at won the overall for our division...

OneBigDog said:
shreaded all the way bro. Keep up the great work.
thanx bro!
if your secure with yourself you do you have to make an excuses. you know that you cant look the same when you take things to ex
tremes to do shows its not normal. i bet you still look hot
bulldog21 said:
Good shit man!! This is first pic I have seen of you and you are shredded.....After you settle down in your new house and get a couple of good offseason months in you will be a legit Light Heavy IMO......
the show i did 2wks b4 these pics i posted i woke up at 5a.m. & was dry as a bone! i couldnt believe how good i looked...i looked in the mirror & couldnt believe it was me...but i lost it sitting backstage...i was backstage from 8a.m. until 1p.m. when they called us to get on stage...that was so long to sit back stage...i still looked ok but not like i did when i woke up that morning...

these pics are from the show 2wks later...i was more conditioned than the guy that place 1st but he was was just a case of wether the judges wanted size or conidition & symmetry...they went with size...i can complian though the guy went on & won the overall for out division...

hopefully i can put things together this year...
This is the first time i've seen a pic of you, and when i saw it i said PISS!!!!! you're F**king SHREDDED!!! very impressive, bro, very impressive