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  1. L

    Crashing test levels...

    I just did my blood work this week and my test was 2100!!! I'm only doing 400 mg a week of test cyp. I do not feel like I've got that much in me at all, my normal number is below 100 lol ! I'm also on 3 IU of hgh a day that I think is taking up my free receptors in my body and not letting the...
  2. L

    Balkan pharma ?

    I remember a few years ago doing a cycle of all axio test, deca and dbol and gaining absolutely nothing. They even sent me replacements that did absolutely nothing. Luckily Im on scripted test and growth now, probably because that other shit messed me up permanently. im now on a quest to find...
  3. L

    Hgh auto pin dosage question.

    I just found it, its 3 I.U. per 1 Mg for what I have so each 5 mg pen is 15 I.U. I had to read a little farther in the ridiculous amount of paper work they send with it. So one pen will last 5 days at 3 I.U. with 2 days off.
  4. L

    Hgh auto pin dosage question.

    I've got prescription Nutropin 5 mg. auto pins that are premixed and are 2 ML or 2.5 mg. per 1 ML. What's the I.U. equivalent on each 1 mg. dose? I'm taking 1.2 mg. and my hands already hurt. Thanks!
  5. L

    Prescription test expiration date?

    I've been away from these boards and the gym for a while now but ready to get back into the gym. I've got a few bottles of test that are prescription I never used, the experation dates are a year past. Does that really mean anything? Lol. Anyone with experience using old prescription test and...
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    My HGH stem test results... not good

    They chose arginine because it's a little safer and I could leave the office right away when done. You might check your insurance on the injectable thing, I just changed mine where I used to get my test cyp for $5 and my new one said it was not covered because it's an injectable and it's $90 now...
  7. L

    My HGH stem test results... not good

    During the test they gave me an iv with arginine in it to force my body to produce and it still didn't do anything. So I get the feeling from the doc that natural is not gonna cut it anymore. Now I'm just waiting for the hgh supplier to negotiate with my insurance.
  8. L

    Anyone know about Victoza with HGH?

    Yeah, im gonna steer clear of it now. Not worth it.
  9. L

    My HGH stem test results... not good

    I finally had a stem test done to see what kind of levels of HGH my body was producing, hoping if it was a little low like my testosterone levels are I could get it supplemented by prescription... Just found out my body produces no natural HGH now at age 32 and test levels were still around 180...
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    Anyone know about Victoza with HGH?

    I am considering taking doses of victoza during my cycle of hgh and test. It is supposed to be an insulin booster but its not insulin. Anyone familiar with it?
  11. L

    Gen X HGH question

    I've used them before bout a year ago and had a dozen packages and never had to sign. Maybe it's only with hgh? On a side note I do have to say I hope this hgh is good as the generic I've been using. I've used 300iu so far at 4iu a day and I'm on 600mgs of test and I've got my strength up where...
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    Gen X HGH question

    finally ordered my genx hgh, only problem so far was I had to go sign for it at the post office! It was sent registered! Why?!
  13. L

    Why can't Igf affect this

    It needs to be done. Someone just do it. I would but I'm out of igf right now. Lol
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    Why can't Igf affect this

    Search igf penis log. Good info in there. Lol
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    Which Cologne 2

    Aqua Di Gio gets you laid! I was in a bar with a buddy one night and he asked me what it was and I had to tell him my story I had from one encounter, so I tell him as were standing in a bar I had a chick walk past me, stop and turn around and walk back then came up to me and put her hands on my...
  16. L

    British dragon questions

    My levels are naturally low now I mean super low. The only good thing is a bottle of test cost me around 8 bucks now.
  17. L

    Gen X HGH question

    Well it came from my doc but that was the same doc that had BD we talked about iny other post. Lol so I'm hoping that this stuff is good. He said it was generic. It wasn't cheap I know that. I'm wanting to use as low of a dose I can to still get good benifits for six months worth. Want to make...
  18. L

    Gen X HGH question

    Would some types of GH be more potent than others? I finally got my hands on IP Somatropin from my doc. Is that possibly more or less potent than others so one would have to use more or less iu per day?
  19. L

    British dragon questions

    Your just jealous that my doc is bad ass. Lol. One of the many rumors I heard about BD was they turned into a legit pharm company. That's why I asked.
  20. L

    British dragon questions

    When the doc told me what he had I questioned him and he went to go get it and showed me. Actually first time I seen it. It had a hologram and imprint of a dragon on the rubber top. He said it wasn't ug cause it came from his supplier supposidly. What do you guys make of it?