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  1. J

    The best combo!

    Perfect!!!!! Thanks again Bro!
  2. J

    For Pct

    Thx Big...I ordering some a couple weeks ago!
  3. J

    The best combo!

    I'm thinking 250mg enth on Mon & Thur (10 weeks)...50mg drol ED (4 weeks stacked w/enth)...also thinking about doing 20mg of nolvadex ED during my cycle....then week 11 thru 14....20mg of nolvadex & 100mg clomid ED.......sound good or should I tweak a few things?
  4. J

    6 Ways to Win the Weight Battle

    Great post bro! Bump
  5. J

    The best combo!

    Thx again Big! I'm prob gonna bug u from time to time....just to make sure I'm doing everything right...if that's ok
  6. J

    For Pct

    Oops. Sorry I didn't know. Won't happen again.
  7. J

    For Pct

    Where can I get clomid & nolvadex?
  8. J

    The best combo!

    You are definitely the man Big! Thx again! Now in your that fine to run for 6 weeks....then my pct (4 weeks) I'll do d-aspartic acid ED/Aqua-clo, Nolva-bloat, & Aqua-dex ED.....or am I missing anything else? It's my first time and I wanna get right!!! I really appreciate everyones...
  9. J

    The best combo!

    Ok...I got my enth n drol. So just to make sure... Enth twice a week n my drol pill everyday right?!?!
  10. J

    Tryn to get chest to grow

    Thx...I've been working out a couple years now. My chest looks ok...I just it more developed and need to try different things...I need to shock my body some how
  11. J

    Tryn to get chest to grow

    Dammmmn! Sounds great! Thx for the advice I'm goin to try it tmrw!
  12. J

    The best combo!

    Great!!!! Thx for your help Big
  13. J

    Tryn to get chest to grow

    I'm trying the he'll do you get the bottom & sides of your pecs to grow & develop??!!! I'm doing decline bench n cables....nothing is working....
  14. J

    The best combo!

    So 1cc of enth everyday & 1drol pill everyday for 5 weeks you think...then 4 weeks off?
  15. J

    The best combo!

    I really appreciate your help...thanks!!!
  16. J

    The best combo!

    Thanks Presser.....So I should take dbol (pill) everyday & sust everyday also or (sust every other day). What do you think is best bro in your opinion! I was thinking i would do 1cc of sust. Now should I do 3 months straight or 5 on 4 off 5 on?
  17. J

    The best combo!

    I'm thinking t400 or suss twice a week (mon & thur) & dbol or anadrol (pill) every morning everyday. Out of the four...I don't know the best combo
  18. J

    The best combo!

    I keep hearing different cycle plans from people...I don't know which is best
  19. J

    The best combo!

    I'm looking for the combination to take.....T400 or suss /& dbol or anadrol (pill). T400 or suss twice a week & dbol or anadrol everyday. Also, my buddy said do it for 3months straight....isn't that too long? I kno you guys can help!
  20. J

    M1t & Igf together

    Exactly what I meant! Thanks for clearing that up for me....I'm trying to get used to this iPad. Lol