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  1. N

    gyno issues

    Armidex .5mg ED until it clears then use .5mg EOD... Once cleared up try taking out the armidex and running Masteron P - 200mg spread over a week (3 shots +) should suffice unless your doing heavy courses, then up to 600mg depending. Masteron is very very potent at stopping est. related sides...
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    Thinnest Oil for Conversions

    Storage conditions make huge difference to. Light ruins it and so does too much heat, stick it in a dark cupboard in air tight bottles/vials and its good for a long time.
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    chinese hgh

    Only x3 places in China make HGH that is approved my the chinese gov and that is only approved for it's own market not for export.. These companies do export it but it is not subject to the same standards as it is when it is domesticated.. That doesnt mean to say they don't send out simular...
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    1000mg tren a week?

    Longer your on it, more you can handle. Tren the best steroid you can have in you, as long as you give it some help from test and throw in say some D.bol, Androl, EQ or a nandralone you will get steady solid growth. Some people say its just for prep... If you want to walk around looking good...
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    Cycling Protein Intake

    All this high protein is bullshit by the supplement companies. Yes you need protein to grow but it's not as much as what people think. 150-200g a day is enough for anyone to grow providing they are consuming high enough calories from fats and carbs. You can grow on less, I have ate under 100g...
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    Melting test only proves you got something that melts at that temperature, doesnt prove purity. Simular melting point fillers or cheaper compounds can be used to bulk up certain powders.
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    To bridge or take break from cycle? Help!

    Yeah I would.. You not got allot of time so you need to keep going. Don't rate PCT anyhow, you crash even when you PCT so really unless your comming off for good it really not advised, better to manipulate doses up and down (blast cruise) than to come off. If you older if you can afford it get...
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    Thinnest Oil for Conversions

    Yeah I use 29G slin pins
  9. N

    Thinnest Oil for Conversions

    It is good for hitting smaller muscle groups, so when your pinning allot of volume for extended periods like when using short esters in combination you got more places you can hit you not pining into lumps and bump and plus it is painless. Just back fill the slin pin with what ever you use and...
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    To bridge or take break from cycle? Help!

    I would swap your compounds go for an extended period then cruise if you feel the need to. 16 weeks is not long and you been very light on the doseages, your making progress why stop? You come off you going to play catch up which will set you back weeks/months, go cruise, you will hold onto...
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    Whats your current stack and goal?

    Well looking at your photo you don't look 6,5ft or simular.. 255lb lean (8% and under) is big.. your just not going to hit this without growth and insulin in large amounts with you AAS. Your never going to hit 255lb lean running the above unless you one tall fella, just don't work that way. - -...
  12. N

    1000mg tren a week?

    Doseis relevant to the persons ability to tolerate it however the sides are greatly over exaggerated by most. You don't just start from 0 to 1000mg you build it up. The bigger you want to be the more drugs you will have to utilize and that simply comes down to the individual how much they can...
  13. N

    Balkan pharma ?

    What sickens me with UGL AAS especially is that most of it is not that expensive to produce on the scale of things, yet these counterfit/scammer/shit ops go to the hassel of getting all the packaging done and getting the product out there to fill it with sub parr product where for a few dollars...
  14. N

    Need Bicep Routine

    Ok train EOD like this, Back, Chest & Shoulders, Quads, Biceps & Triceps & Hams & Calfs. Important for arms is no straps/hooks when doing back and when you train biceps it is not about the weight when trying to get bigger, strength and muscle size are completely seperate things. Pick up a...
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    Thinnest Oil for Conversions

    Grapeseed good you can get a good 18months out of it. Nice and thin, especially when you add 18% BB, will go through a slin pin
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    What Was Your First Cycle & What did you gain? This is good for newbies to Learn

    First cycle was at 17 years of age 15mg D.bol (ED) for 2-3 weeks and then it went up to 20mg D.Bol. I gained 1 stone off that and kept every pound when I came off. It wasnt all musle by all means. Important Information for newbies: Before committing to trying steroids make sure you are doing...
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    will t3 shut you down?

    I run it at 75mcg daily. Its great.. When I initially used it I needed to come down around 15-20lbs so I was running 100-150mcg for a few week. Got very fait here and light headed etc however on 75mcg it is fine, you wouldnt know you took it except your fat levels are very low. T3 is down to...
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    first time using anadrol

    You do not need to split the doseage by the way. I like to take mine in a morning.
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    first time using anadrol

    Yeah disolves in mouth and tastes chemically. When I think back to the days of legt Androl then they dont seem as good but maybe its just me not being as sensitive to the stuff no more.. However I do remember when I first took these ones I was getting banging head aches on 100mg and veins...
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    Balkan pharma ?

    Far as I am aware it's amps and tabs + other products. The big problem here is that they really make out to be a pharmacetucial company, they arn't and that is why they can't get certificates else where. 10/10 for the packaging, website etc but when it comes down to whats in side and the owner...