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    Pulse Cycle M1T

    14 days on 14 off is what I would do if I had that stuff but only at 10 mg per day
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    Tablets vs. Laptops...

    Got a samsung galaxy tab 3 and a few lab tops I will say for surfing the net the tablet is faster.
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    Peptides long term use

    i wonder if igf can be a beniefit long term or a waste of time 7.5 weeks has been my max never tried any other peptides .
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    First IGF Purchase & Experience

    sorry to hear about your arm that sucks
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    How to run SuperDrol

    is superdrol equal or better then M1T? are they equal on sides?
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    IGF-1 LR3 Cycle Length

    trying 7-7.5 weeks now because Presser said it works....
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    New here

    good luck with your igf
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    First IGF Purchase & Experience

    Glad that you like the igf sorry to hear about the sad story.......I've been there and its no fun...
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    Typical M1T doses for highly anabolic and somewhat androgenic cycle

    my views on M1T say from Andro Technologies (17-Methyl-1-androstene-17b-oi-3one) take 10mg to a max of 20 mgs for 14 days on 14 off I say don't take more then 10 mgs period per day.,hard on the system and a friend did 10 mg per day for 160 days so two 80 tab bottles and nearly died from liver...
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    mc igf-1 is incredible

    nice thing about igf everyone has the same problems that igf helps or cures.
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    BIG benefit taking Zinc with IGF

    Take Supplemental Zinc with your IGF, get better results. This is a repost from my Blog Today, from my website: Taking Zinc with your IGF will produce much better results. Zinc can do two things which we want, when we take it with our IGF. 1. Zinc will decrease IGF-1 binding proteins...
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    First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

    I do 5 days on 2 off after my workout but if I go after 8 pm I will do it in the morning but never latter then 2 ish.. morning is best bed time would be never.... your body's natural HGH release is between 11:30 to 2:30 A.M and sleeping...just for thought.
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    First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

    yes mon,wed,fri or EOD is correct then a weekend break to chill with the BF...but the combo your doing will give you some cramping,sore joints etc.......I done the same cycle before....had to add EQ to it and I was fine......Deca in a pinch but don't care for it...
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    School me on IGF-1

    that's correct..but if you get 1/2 cc 30 G they are correct 5/10/15,etc ea. line is 10
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    First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

    winny will hurt joints,tren is the best all around but drys out joints,igf use it for sure at time of pct with hcg .....and igf during - - - Updated - - - add EQ and use winny on the end of your cycle or save it..igf will lean you out a lot,tren also,plus diet...
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    First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

    eq is a cutter and nice for your joints it will keep you lean and look good at the same time and no pains on the joints
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    First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

    well really should add some EQ OR MY SECOND CHOICE DECA so you don't dry out