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  1. M

    Looking for a low solvent low BB Testosterone Phenylpropionate

    How low can you take the BB in a Testosterone Phenylpropionate brew with no EO. I want to brew it at 125mg 15%BB 2% BA GSO lets get some feed back
  2. M

    Powder Conversion Recipies

    Yea China it was from a source recommended by Bigz I use GSO
  3. M

    Powder Conversion Recipies

    How low can you go on the BB in standard test? How about test P? I went 15% and a I had a bad PIP?
  4. M

    Tne in oil brew ..

    I mix it with some filterd GSO but I only use it on weekends when I have time to be in the gym for a long time. No super happy wih it but not going to flush it lol I am going to try to make it wth Poly80 next time Anyone know if Poly 80 stinks as bad as guaiacol LOL
  5. M

    TNE recipe in oil

    Look in to it and make sure you dont use guaiacol in your house LOL I did and it didnt go over good with the wife
  6. M


    yes I agree LMAO
  7. M

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    I used GSO So I re-heated, filtered, bottled and capped. But I have like 3 vials that looks like they have bubbles suspended in it. Like as if the oil seperated the seperate oil if you will also sticks to the side of the vials not crashed but still not looking right. Its just these last 3...
  8. M

    Duck Dynasty Controversy

    I dont have a job where I can say whatever the fuck I want..........not sure who does unless you work for yourself. Everyone can say what they want but shit he made a lot of cash should be happy it took them as far as it did.
  9. M

    Tne in oil brew ..

    Yea feels like I pinned with a rusty old nail fucken hurts like hell but the shit kicks! I used it this morning before a workout at .5cc my pumps where up agression was kickin and it felt good!,................But now how the fuck to I get the Guaiacol order out of my fucken kitchen? The wife is...
  10. M

    Filling open vials and then crimping?

    If your filtering your final product nothing is steril till you filter it. I never pay fo steril or filterd oils or solvents I just make sure I run them throug a Milipore bactreria filter
  11. M

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    I think I need to make it a little clear it has been sitting for about a week in a covered beaker because I though I have one more filter left but i was mistaken durring that time it crashed. My filter arrived today
  12. M

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    may have not been clear but its like 1 liter of un-filtered test P I totally know that I can heat up crashed gear but I wanted to know if there is something I can do at this stage to prevent crashing before I filter and cap it
  13. M

    What is your job/career?

    Well I was a IT guy at a large company but have been laid off so as of now I'm the local home brewer
  14. M

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    Cool I didnt think it would. Ill give it a try and let you know how it goes
  15. M

    Filling open vials and then crimping?

    Pick yourself up an auto-clave you dont need anything fancy just a presure cooker style. It should come with a manual on how long or glass, rubber or whatever. Sterilze your rubber stoppers in a steril pouch easly found on line or at a local medical supply store. Then Sterilze your vials place...
  16. M

    New Batch Of Testosterone Propionate Crashing

    I have a batch of Test P I brewed at 150mg/ml I used the standard 2%BA 20%BB recipe I let is cool in a beaker and it has crashed I knew this was a possibiity so I did not filter it as of yet Now my question is can I add BB or maybe guaiacol to the crashed test P and re-heat it to save the batch...
  17. M

    Tne in oil brew ..

    Thanks guys I have been looking for a little more insite on use of Guaiacol in TNE as well "super solvents" Im brewing tonight using 2%BA 20%BB 15% Guaicol in GS oil @100mg/ml I'll let you all know how it goes!