What is your job/career?

I am honestly another slave worker with an education and no power---------- Wishing for a union so I stop getting constantly FUCKED
Dude we need one in my field, we get constantly called off or called in positions eliminated but the work still there so the workers are put on call, benefits get worse every year by a lot, no money for employees but money to literally pay for a parade and renovate something that was renovated 4 years ago, money for Trash cans that almost cost $900 a piece, money for 60,000 dollar freeze dried full grown palm trees, etc.
2% raise
forced to give our HIPAA info or face the consequences
forced to take a flu vaccination or be taken off the schedule---which is against the constitution to be forced to inject a foreign substance into your body.

So you tell me how I don't need a union
There is NO advocating body for the employee anymore, and there ABSOLUTELY needs to be one
my last couple paychecks have been mid $600s and they fired 50% of my staff, and our numbers are almost the same as last years, and we still have to share hours with different departments, and through the layoffs no supervisor (4) manager, or director were touched. My director walks a dog around all day, yeah unions are not needed in this situation at all. The CEO's money will probably trickle down, and that's part of the reason the economy is so great right now, bc trickling down works very well. Oh wait no it doesn't I am a ****** and I have to like it or leave it, and need to "pull myself up by my boot straps" and "rake leafs" to make it by right?
I just read an article on the CEO's hourly pay compared to the average salary of an employee and it's disgusting, and no it obviously doesn't work, and yes the attitude of "it's there company they should make however much they want" should def be dieing off by now but it doesn't bc all these piss ants think that one day they will be a CEO and millionaire, they won't. They will be a ****** like me that fell for the "work hard through school, to make a better easier life for yourself" and it's truly no longer there. The American dream is not even a possibility for the vast majority anymore.
Dude Unions are horrible...

no they're not, not if they are ran right and do what they are suppose to...

my profession is very dangerous and even with the unions the contractors still try to make workers do stupid unsafe shit...

when I worked non-union they had me doing unsafe shit every day...and I was young and dumb enough to do it
ya metal i've left my radiography degree program for some reasons you're talking about...it's over saturated now too and not worth finishing (still on 2-4 year wait list for clinicals :( )
ya metal i've left my radiography degree program for some reasons you're talking about...it's over saturated now too and not worth finishing (still on 2-4 year wait list for clinicals :( )

Are you fuckin serious Irish?
Why is there a wait on clinicals ?

I'm sorry to hear that brother.
I unfortunately started this program in 06 when ppl still came out of school and got hired FT with a bonus, as that 2 year program went by it completely did a 180. I was lucky well "lucky" enough to get a job right away as a per diem but 3 classes before me most still did not have a job.

I don't know why so many people defend companies still to this day. We need advocating bodies for employees period.
Yes some unions ruined it for every one but bc of that never have one again?
So bad drivers have caused shitty laws for driving, so do you just not drive ever again?
Stupid assholes kill people with guns and they make stricter gun laws, does that mean you never touch a gun again?
What the hell happened to Americans wanting to be able to live the American dream? a family wih 5 kids on 1 salary where Mommy can stay home, why does no one want this?
Why do people want the heads of the companies to run us dumb slave ******s further into the ground every year? A 2% cost of living raise when we all know cost of living gos up 3-4%, leaving you with less money every year, meaning you spend less money meaning a worse economy.
Is it that hard to understand?

1000 employees making 2 more dollars per hour is much better than 1 CEO making 1200 times the amount of the average employee and receiving huge benefits and bonuses on top of that. Don't believe me how is the economy now compared to the 50s?

Everyone has to work now, live to work, work to live. Less vacations, less money being earned, less going out to eat, less electronics being purchased.

Yes there have been unions that let a guy that but rubber trim on the gm line around a truck have a pension til he died and yes the average age has gone up destroying that concept, so instead we have the majority with no pensions, and nothing to retire on, that seems right to anyone on here?
We have discouraged education as much as you can.
India can offer free schooling, but ours has to cost 2k a month for a university? That's fine?
This shit is disgusting to me, and yet there is still opposition defending these disgusting acts.
We are not number 1 anymore, have not been in quite a while.
Another great opinion is "you don't like it than leave"
whomever thinks this should not have children.
If you have an argument in your marriage you get divorced than?
You don't like school drop out than?
You aren't happy at your job than quit?
Don't try to fix anything ever, just give up it what that portrays, and I am sick of hearing it, bc it's an amazingly dumb mentality to have.

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Irish if you were around here I'd teach you
Metal you sound a lot like a Marxist/Progressive? Not a person that supports a free market.

I cannot diminish any or all of the perceived problems you list. However the cure is a free market( which we do not have, we have a crony capitalist system where the govt picks winners and losers). We need to LOWER all taxes, get rid of the income tax completely and get the Govt out of the business of being in everyones business. We need to end the Federal Reserve System and get the economy back on a sound currency.

Where you see a Union fixing things I see a Union that is just going to drive UP the cost of labor and in return raising the cost of what ever product you are bringing to the market. Its just like these idiots at McDonalds crying and trying to get $15 an hour. If that were to happen a Sixty Nine cent hamburger will cost $5. If I owned a McDonalds and the govt told me the new minimum wage was $15 I'd fire everyone and close my doors out of general priciple. Its called going Galt. Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

I suggest everyone who wants a good easy read in economics read a books called Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Its free on the web just google it.

Happy motoring...
Metal you sound a lot like a Marxist/Progressive? Not a person that supports a free market.

I cannot diminish any or all of the perceived problems you list. However the cure is a free market( which we do not have, we have a crony capitalist system where the govt picks winners and losers). We need to LOWER all taxes, get rid of the income tax completely and get the Govt out of the business of being in everyones business. We need to end the Federal Reserve System and get the economy back on a sound currency.

Where you see a Union fixing things I see a Union that is just going to drive UP the cost of labor and in return raising the cost of what ever product you are bringing to the market. Its just like these idiots at McDonalds crying and trying to get $15 an hour. If that were to happen a Sixty Nine cent hamburger will cost $5. If I owned a McDonalds and the govt told me the new minimum wage was $15 I'd fire everyone and close my doors out of general priciple. Its called going Galt. Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

I suggest everyone who wants a good easy read in economics read a books called Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Its free on the web just google it.

Happy motoring...

Well I work in healthcare so horrible analogy, bc 1) health care cost is exorbitant 2) I'm not making hamburgers 3) I am a marxist bc I am tired of there being no options anymore? Or bc I know what we get paid and what we should be getting paid are two completely different things? I guess a marxist doesn't like being raped every day they are at work, darn I kind of agree than. What I get paid compared to what my services cost are polar opposites buddy. No I don't think I should get all the money coming in , and I could better explain the entire situation in a novel so I will leave it at that. I also think if you work in the health care field you should have good health coverage but again I guess I am a communist to think such things in your opinion right? Again how about your house is on fire but all the firefighters are sick of taking home 20k a year so they don't put your house out, would you be pissed than? Or you are actively having a heart attack and every CVIS is sick of being paid 21/hour while the doctor charges 200k for an interventional cath so you die right there bc that doctor is useless alone, wait I am a marxist with thoughts like this. I think you have valid points here and there but on this one I think you don't understand my situation, not even a fraction of it, so I have to disagree with you. Yes it is not a free market for the reasons you listed, and no I am not a piece of shit for being fed up with this Countries employment situation. You listed a few things I agree with in what you just wrote actually, but not on this part bro.

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it's because they only accept 18 per year in clinicals

you must live in a very small town, I have 2 students every 2 months, which means I have 12 a year alone
70,000 and madison is about 45 min away which is about 500,000 with suburbs...all the schools in southern wisconsin have wait lists for clinicals for RN, PTA, RT
70,000 and madison is about 45 min away which is about 500,000 with suburbs...all the schools in southern wisconsin have wait lists for clinicals for RN, PTA, RT

That's unreal.

Ch3no I actually have the report printed out from November if you need proof on work done to what I brought in, and I have the previous years to compare what I did with 50% less staff, which is much more exams done than 50% In one third of the jobs done (dexa scans) it is actually up by 34% (total exams) with 50% less staff.