What is your job/career?

Metal you're working in a field of work where the Govt has a full on assault and are in the midst of a complete takeover and you're complaining about wanting a Union? Thats almost funny. You bitching about working more and getting less is only going to get worse under Obamacare.

Bro you got 99 problems and a Union aint one.
Metal you're working in a field of work where the Govt has a full on assault and are in the midst of a complete takeover and you're complaining about wanting a Union? Thats almost funny. You bitching about working more and getting less is only going to get worse under Obamacare.

Bro you got 99 problems and a Union aint one.

obamacare is only making things worse for anyone in medical professions
Metal the last thing I want is to piss you off or argue. But like Irish said Obamacare and the Feds is only making this all worse. A union will only further drive up the cost of what ever medical service you provide all the while the Union steals from your paycheck every week so it can donate money to more Democrats that will vote for Legislation like Obamacare. Its a complete paradox to be in a union and be for a free market. Its not going to happen...

I feel for you and honestly I would not work ANYwhere near the medical field. I'd rather wait tables or cut grass than put up with the Govts bullshit. I'd run if I were you.
Metal the last thing I want is to piss you off or argue. But like Irish said Obamacare and the Feds is only making this all worse. A union will only further drive up the cost of what ever medical service you provide all the while the Union steals from your paycheck every week so it can donate money to more Democrats that will vote for Legislation like Obamacare. Its a complete paradox to be in a union and be for a free market. Its not going to happen...

I feel for you and honestly I would not work ANYwhere near the medical field. I'd rather wait tables or cut grass than put up with the Govts bullshit. I'd run if I were you.

You are missing the underlying point I am making which is we are being told we don't have the numbers (which the employees can look up on a shared drive but 99% are too lazy to) to support the staff. I want an advocating body to stand up for us and say, well yes we sure do have the numbers, so stop cutting the hours of someone who is literally doing 2 jobs according to last years census.

It's great to say run from it when you are not 100% invested into it, and there is nothing to run to.
If it were as easy as you put it, it would have been done and be a non-issue at this point, but it is an issue, a huge one. We work for a non profit organization that is in fact very corrupt, fr various reasons that I know of, and I am not a psychic so imagine all the things I don't know. There as many supervisors as there are employees in my department now, it's like a very sad joke. I really wish I just stayed an EMT instead of investing 40k into education on a loan that has doubled, which I have mentioned before, another issue you can do zero about. They phased out my old job though only keeping the pay grade of the EMT's that stayed and any new person was less qualified with lesser pay, so going a step backwards is not an option, and wouldn't erase the student loan debt anyways.
Well I have a rare interview tomorrow, perhaps things will look up, but I wouldn't blame you for not holding your breath.
In any job in this state it is pretty ridiculous especially when I compared it to Australia which is said to be the up in coming nation over the next 10 years.
Here I work a 10 1/2 hour day with 1 timed 30 minute unpaid break
the research I have done there in my field showed a typical 10 hour day, 4 days a week with 1 hour break that was unpaid and two 30 minute paid breaks.
The difference is somewhere around 7% less obesity, which I think correlates as well.
I have done a lot of comparisons like that, that was 1 fresh in my mind.
Leaving to a place like that is like a fantasy though seeing as all my family is here, and we built a house 5 years ago here, so pretty deep rooted.
I truly wish there was an apparent solution, because now a days telling your situation from a realistic point of view is considered being a complainer, bitching, being a grumpy fuck etc.
My analogy to that is I never heard of someone that was raped and said, well it was actually not that bad.
I started doing line work making $8/hr...no benefits, no retirement

those non-union cock suckers had me climbing around 7600 volts with no one shot, no rubber hoses, no protection-I was too stupid to know better...

I joined the union, $12/hr-contractor pays the benefits and retirement (25% retirement, dental, vision, medical)

same job same everything only diff. is I'm getting paid better for putting my ass on the line

I don't see any of the Unions claiming to try to fix anything or everything-hell they are lucky just to hold on to what they have, look at what happened in Michigan

in a sense the union is their worst enemy...I've worked for halls that don't give a shit as long as they get their money-then there's halls that will fight for the contract and if someone is breaking it they will step in-which is the way it should be

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the unions aren't ruining the economy it's places like Wal-Mart-getting all their product from China that pays the workers 12 cents an hour
Why do places like Walmart get their stuf from China? Because of the GIANT cost of labor placed on businesses here in America due to Legislation like Obamacare and artificial minimum wages. Legislation like NAFTA.

This is all the politicians fault. Its hard to blame Walmart for taking the path of least resistance.

Cut taxes, get the govt out of healthcare, get rid of the income tax and the Federal Reserve. Get rid of all minimum wage laws. Legalize Hemp and this country will flourish like you never saw. But all this doom and gloom being placed on the American people is being done on purpose. Google Cloward and Piven strategy.

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Beat me too it LOL.
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right a good house cleaning is in order

quit ordering everything from overseas and make the product here

China is taking capitalism and taking it to the next level...
People do not gloss over the NEED for sound currency as this is the real cause of people in despair. The Dollar has been destroyed. $12 an hour used to be a fortune. Why is that a low wage job nowadays? Because the Gov't has completely destroyed the currency.

This puts it into perspective.
really as far the whole Marxist philosophy is concerned...

there is no such thing any more as Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and there never was Marxism

Capitalism: that's were we are suppose to be-the harder you work the more you have to show for it...BUT the way it's set up the harder you work, the harder they tax-STAY MIDDLE CLASS YA FUCKING IDIOT

Socialism: National Socialism the long term version for Nazi-saw how that worked out...

Communism: never was such a thing in it's truest form, just a bunch of lies from Russia and China, kinda like Capitalism is today

Marxist: the human race will never reach this level, we will kill ourselves off long before-we are too stupid...and even still flip a burger (which I did for 2 years) or surgery? how should the 2 be considered equal?

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People do not gloss over the NEED for sound currency as this is the real cause of people in despair. The Dollar has been destroyed. $12 an hour used to be a fortune. Why is that a low wage job nowadays? Because the Gov't has completely destroyed the currency.

This puts it into perspective.
View attachment 14829

called inflation, wait till hyperinflation kicks in then we're really fucked-look at what happened to Iceland

only diff. is once that happens no one will be able to bail us out-China gave us the loan and probably the last loan, once that's done :finger:
I do not like the term Capitalism. What I like to use is a "Free Market System"...

Tell the Bolsheviks and the 60-100 million killed under Mao during the great revolution in China that there is no such thing as Marxism. You however have a valid point that all those "ism's" are just varying degree's of the extent that the Govt has control over the people.

The older I get the more I believe that Govt is the root of ALL the people's problems. There is a Revolution on the horizon fellas. I suggest you start preparing for it.
You will see MASSIVE deflation happen before the severe hyperinflation kicks in. When the stock market that is inflated crashes again(deflation) and home prices crash again( more deflation) the govt ONLY response will be to print to infinity. That when the day of the dollar will be done. I say we have worst case 3-5 years, best case a decade.

Shits going to hit the fan soon folks.

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Did any of these exist 100 years ago? Wonder why you have the lowest workforce in the country in over 35 years?

Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax (Fed)
Federal Unemployment Tax (FU TA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage ChargeTax
Utility Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
and that's just the list of taxes you pay if you want to wash your car with your own bucket on sunday. :laugh:.....:cry:
hahahaha oh boy a lot of good points, however I will remark on the Govt being out of healthcare, they have been in it for much longer than you would think. The tax issue needs to go and it is ridiculous.
How about needing a permit to collect water off your roof in several states or serve up to 30 days in jail, I loved when I heard that one. How about needing a permit to catch 1 fish on the beach.
Apparently the Govt thinks they own the rain and oceans, which should mean if your house gets flooded you should be able to have a great lawsuit against the Govt since they own the rain, and if a tidal wave hits your house you should be a millionaire since the Govt owns the ocean lol

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<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XuRYni9XCJ8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That's unreal.

Ch3no I actually have the report printed out from November if you need proof on work done to what I brought in, and I have the previous years to compare what I did with 50% less staff, which is much more exams done than 50% In one third of the jobs done (dexa scans) it is actually up by 34% (total exams) with 50% less staff.

You guys are arguing two sides with the same ultimate goal. The nation is currently in shambles. It's become this way by more and more Government intervention, Entitlements, unchecked spending, and knee jerk legislation. What the fuck is the Federal Govt doing being involved in Liberties protected by the 2nd Amendment?! What business does the Govt have being in Health Care? Why does the Govt decide they are going to tax us to "provide a retirement for us" and bankrupt it decades later with no accountability? The Federal Govt needs to maintain a military, oversea interstates, and that's damn near it. Why the fuck does every politician make 6 figures?! For giving their opinion??
Look just a smidgeon down the road Metal. It isn't your employer, it's the thugs that somehow came to RUN your employer and all others... Who the fuck is Obama to say what Joe Blow should pay John Doe to flip burgers... They aren't in short supply.
Hell could you imagine how many burger flippers we would have if all the Entitlements stopped. How much crime we could defund??
Personally I'm not allowed to work and and being forced to stay home until surgery and then look for another career... If I were not getting paid to stay home, my ass would be at work despite the fact that I could lose the use of arms and legs at the drop of a hat due to the nature of my work.... Yet you've got Laquisha with the 7 kids getting $4000 a month from her Disability for her speech impediment, section 8, Food Stamps, and all her other subsidies. That's why you and your employer pay sufh high taxes. That's why Health Care costs are so high. Someone has to pick up Laquisha's bill. Want to know why the spending power of your dollar is being eroded away? Because Bobo needs to print more money to give Laquisha. Know you and Laquisha have split the value of that dollar. Well it only goes so far and despite having two purchases, the business receives revenue from a devalued dollar and again increased tax burden each year...
The way the Govt expenses things on their outrageous taxation forms many times makes it much more of a tax benefit (how the Govt controls Business in the short term) to spend money on items that can be expensed as opposed to personnel which they then face the Obamacare penalties, training, insurance costs, benefits, Workers Comp costs, and then.... Forced minimum wage for the guy that vacuums your floors at night.
Its shitty all over unless you're a politician...
No matter what the govt will have a hand in healthcare, you figure medicaid/care as well as write-offs for people who don't or are unable to pay there full bill or partial bill, which is not always a scumbag. An example would be your 7 year old gets leukemia, since insurance companies do literally whatever they want they drop you.
You go through the treatments, tests, stays at the hospitals, medications, follow ups etc and you can be looking easily at hundreds of thousands if not over a million dollars worth of care. You don't want your 7 year old to go untreated, yet you had to sell your house and anything extra you could, but it still didn't pay the dues. In this case there are write offs on certain things, and that's going to be govt money footing the bill for a not for profit facility.
It is such a complex system that I don't think there is any easy or quick fix.
I know something had to change, but the affordable care act was not the answer we needed.
It was a sinking ship before, and now continues to be.
Like everything the people who do what they are supposed to have to pay for the scum bag pieces of shit that abuse everything.
Again as I have stated before I think the number 1 resolution, or step to a resolution is that every nonprofit hospital has a REAL triage with an urgent care connected. Hospitals easily lose the most amount of money through the ER through med seeking fucks, and or bullshit. So if we could triage and say "no this is non-emergent, you must go to that urgent care, or another urgent care facility in order to be treated (which makes them pay upfront) " with out being sued or having stupid fucking rules like EMTALA we would start seeing a big difference on money loss which would in turn provide a more stable platform for hospitals. But hey what do I know as far as the companies go, I am a peon. I know for a fact this would lead to a better future though.
HAHAHA I just heard on TWC that now they are talking of naming stock market drops and crashes-fuckin' for real

can you say insurance scam? same reason that The Weather Channel started naming winter storms
HAHAHA I just heard on TWC that now they are talking of naming stock market drops and crashes-fuckin' for real

can you say insurance scam? same reason that The Weather Channel started naming winter storms

it's all part of the fearmongering process
No matter what the govt will have a hand in healthcare, you figure medicaid/care as well as write-offs for people who don't or are unable to pay there full bill or partial bill, which is not always a scumbag. An example would be your 7 year old gets leukemia, since insurance companies do literally whatever they want they drop you.
You go through the treatments, tests, stays at the hospitals, medications, follow ups etc and you can be looking easily at hundreds of thousands if not over a million dollars worth of care. You don't want your 7 year old to go untreated, yet you had to sell your house and anything extra you could, but it still didn't pay the dues. In this case there are write offs on certain things, and that's going to be govt money footing the bill for a not for profit facility.
It is such a complex system that I don't think there is any easy or quick fix.
I know something had to change, but the affordable care act was not the answer we needed.
It was a sinking ship before, and now continues to be.
Like everything the people who do what they are supposed to have to pay for the scum bag pieces of shit that abuse everything.
Again as I have stated before I think the number 1 resolution, or step to a resolution is that every nonprofit hospital has a REAL triage with an urgent care connected. Hospitals easily lose the most amount of money through the ER through med seeking fucks, and or bullshit. So if we could triage and say "no this is non-emergent, you must go to that urgent care, or another urgent care facility in order to be treated (which makes them pay upfront) " with out being sued or having stupid fucking rules like EMTALA we would start seeing a big difference on money loss which would in turn provide a more stable platform for hospitals. But hey what do I know as far as the companies go, I am a peon. I know for a fact this would lead to a better future though.

No they are not all scumbags, but ALOT are. My mother was diagnosed with carcinoma of unknown origin in 1993. They gave her 6 weeks to live. They refused to treat her. She had to fight to get her treatment that she PAID for. In addition everything we had went to saving her life. That was 20 years ago. She's alive and fiesty as ever.
No industry will ever be perfect all the time, but I damn sure don't want a business (Fed Govt) that has FAILED AT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME to take it over...
Lots of people making choices about a service / facility / business that they have a vested stake in will always be better than fewer people making decisions about that same service / facility / business that DO NOT have a vested interest in the health of the business, its employee's, or its customers.
From what I've seen most hospitals are forced to follow certain protocols and procedures by law.
Did you know that when someone has a shoot out with Police and is wounded that Police have to pay for the medical care? That is law. Who do you think the Police get the money from??
It's all fucked up Bro, but we are way too fucked up to try to piece meal a solution. It's pretty easy to see that with one fell swoop we could actually change things for the better, but that means no more BOBO. No more politicians making 6 figures doing the same thing you do on these boards. That means no more supporting generations of people who refuse to work and it damn sure means no Federal Govt sticking its smelly dick into private enterprise.
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