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  1. jshoty

    My boy on UFC

    Haha yeah i got about 80 lbs on him these days
  2. jshoty

    My boy on UFC

    Kid i used to train with in college, just got a second round KO! Pretty cool, i used to own him in the gym lol...
  3. jshoty

    Black Friday

    Some retailers make 40% of their yearly profits in one day..
  4. jshoty

    Ammo shortage

    Yes El Duderino, the dept of homeland security bought a million rounds of ammo not long ago. I got into a huge argument with a gentleman recently. He believes that the US govt, is going to let the United Nations disarm the entire US population.. Keep your eyes out for the boys in the blue...
  5. jshoty

    What are you listening to 2012???

    Zombie, type-o negative, pantera, manson.. I gotta listen to some loud angry music to blockout the lady gaga thats blasted 24/7
  6. jshoty

    The GYM will be over run with newbies soon

    I work second shift 1pm-3am, so i usually goto the gym after work.. Its usually just me. The one good thing about working asstastic hours.
  7. jshoty

    20iu teal chinese hgh???

    I had heard that aswell Presser, ive always gotten good powder from the chinaman, my only concern was that the guy who orders for me is shady as fuck, he never had any reason to steal my anabolic powders as they are dirt cheap, but he cant afford his own gh so why not steal half my bottles and...
  8. jshoty

    Ammo shortage

    I had heard that the chinese were buying up all the millitaries spent casings, and that was causing a shortage/spike in cost. Could also be that the govt placed video camera operated machineguns planted on the mexican boarder are fully operational? I think that is the most likely scenerio
  9. jshoty

    Walmart Strike

    An interesting thing i was told tonight by my union commitee guy. "Walmart gives their employees a pamplet during their new hire orientation, that shows them how to apply for food stamps and govt healthcare." Theres around 1.3mill walmart employees in this country... Yes thats great business...
  10. jshoty

    Walmart Strike

    Maybe the govt could force the unemployed citizens to build a berlin wall on the southwest border and arm it with video camera mounted machine guns? Outstanding idea
  11. jshoty

    DEEP fried Turkey, I never tried it, is it any good?

    Its Awesome, just dont overfil your deep fryer unless u want to burn the house down
  12. jshoty

    20iu teal chinese hgh???

    They were purchased through a relative of mine, hes always handled my orders for me. Im getting rid of them at this point, and gonna try to find another powder source
  13. jshoty

    Top supplements on cycle

    Im hung like a, and im cool with it
  14. jshoty

    Hitler Versus Crossfit

    Wtf are board shorts anyways?
  15. jshoty

    20iu teal chinese hgh???

    Thats kind of what i figured MrBigz. I guess ill know for sure if i dont get any sides. Was gonna run 2iu/ed to start
  16. jshoty

    20iu teal chinese hgh???

    They look like the normal generic chinese growths that ive seen, but just a teal top. Someone send me their email address and ill send u pics, im pretty tech illiterate
  17. jshoty

    Walmart Strike

    I only visit WalMart after an all you can eat breakfast buffet to destroy their plumbing... Walmart has not only closed local businesses, but also larger corporations. They force a company to sell their products at a price walmart decides is fair and many times ruins the other company. This...
  18. jshoty

    its been s while

    Had the cortizone treatment in knees and elbows several times over the years, never did much for me either. I would go find another doctor. You dont want to risk anymore damage in your knees. The deca might help some, but it could also do more bad than good. Glad your back, and hope you can get...
  19. jshoty

    its been s while

    Another OG returns...