Search results

  1. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    We sold our last 100g about 6 months ago. The thing is, I always have people asking for this, but then we synthesize it, a few guys buy it, realize it is very painful to shoot, so it sits there. I have one client here in China that I make it for, so whenever he orders next, I will synthesize...
  2. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    I get it to hold with excipient we are using. It is Triglyceride based. A non commercially released product, but I was able to obtain synthesis steps via/patent office. Thus far, it has worked wonders with most everything except methylated compounds. I can hold Tren A at 220mg/ml and still draw...
  3. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    Mibolerone is on my list. As stated above, I manufacture and sell Mibolerone aka Cheque Drops. I am also planning two blends in finished injects, one that contains Fluoxymesterone and another that contains Mibolerone.
  4. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    Do you know who synthesized it and if they still offer it? I'd be very interested to run HPLC on it, as I have never known of a compound to have been synthesized before and NOT be in CAS registry. This would be first to my knowledge.
  5. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    And far too many middle men posing as manufacturers who do not have same kind of business ethics. Raise your standards. Test your products. Do that and you run all these shit suppliers out of business.
  6. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    Are you saying Trest as in Trestolone but with 3-4 different esters so that it has sustanon-like short and long-estered variants?
  7. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    The following is GC/MS report conducted by laboratory in Holland. Report was paid for by domestic US lab who purchased my Tren Ace approximately 3 weeks ago. I do not much care for GC/MS because of 5% variance. As you can see, this Tren Ace tested 100% pure. However, this is inaccurate. My...
  8. 6-fingers

    Melting Points

    Heating gear is merely means of speeding up hormone falling into solution. It is not heat that is doing this. You are not melting your powder into solution. Solvents and excipients are what perform this action. BA. BB. Your chosen carrier. Some act as solvents and some simply disperse raws over...
  9. 6-fingers

    Dark colored tren and degredation.

    Tren Enanthate assay 99.48% on top of same white paper brightness 165. Yellow lined paper for contrast. I cannot say that a darker Tren could not be more pure. I do not concern myself with raws other than my own.
  10. 6-fingers

    Dark colored tren and degredation.

    First picture is Tren Acetate assay 99.25% on top of white paper with brightness of 165. Standard yellow lined paper for contrast. - - - Updated - - - Tren Ace@220mg/ml.
  11. 6-fingers

    Best filtration system for bigger volumes

    I am not going to discount what others have said, as I do not know how much you are trying to filter nor how quickly. I used bottle top once, about a decade ago, and it was nightmare. Personally, as soon as individual is ready to graduate from syringe filters, I feel they should go directly to...
  12. 6-fingers

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.

    These are solutions I have formulated and which are currently being tested thru intramuscular injection, in hopes of adding to list of finished line of products.. Please note that Proprietary Oil is not something you can purchase. It is commercially unavailable product which I managed to...
  13. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    I don't know who you've been purchasing your raws from, but 80 and 85% is horrid. Though you are not the only one I have heard this from, I still cannot understand why anyone would continue doing business with a company that sold you such a product. I would check to see validity of your source...
  14. 6-fingers

    Pharma Sustanon 250 = 10% Benzyl Alcohol

    Bayer uses Castor, though I cannot understand why. I find it to be horrid, but to each their own. Personally, I think all traditional excepients have fallen by wayside. I used GSO more than anything, but I have even moved on from it now. As is case often enough, we find what we like and stick...
  15. 6-fingers

    What compound do you want available?

    As some know, work life is often directed by personal life, ie. personal interests. I have passion for lifting and passion for AAS. This passion feeds my drive for innovation in work. As such, I will be offering compounds that are a bit more rare or, at least by these eyes, have not been seen...
  16. 6-fingers

    MCT carrier oil?

    MCT or Fractionated coconut oil is a great carrier in my opinion. However, superior to that IMO is a propylene glycol diester of fractionated coconut oil. Specifically C8 and C10. IMO there is no great IM carrier ever devoloped.
  17. 6-fingers

    Testosterone in soy oil

    My respects to you, PG, as I have been reading many of your posts, which are are always in depth and detailed, showing you possess an extensive knowledge in science of AAS. And I am 100% agreement about soy having estrogen related issues. Which is one reason I would never use it. Now forced...
  18. 6-fingers

    Aveed (Test U in castor oil)

    Test U is most likely Big Pharma searching for compromise TRT dosing scheme. I have not come across a single article implying this. It is merely intuition from having spoken to many men who do nothing but TRT. You have two kinds of people. Those bothered by pinning. Those not. I believe most of...
  19. 6-fingers

    Vial crimper?

    You can do any number of ways that might work, but considering an improper crimp may result in loss of aseptic seal with solution you plan to inject into body, I would recommend doing what you must in order to purchase proper crimper.
  20. 6-fingers

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.

    Do not be so concerned about particular temperature or time period, as heating media is merely means of reducing time it takes for hormone to reach solution. So time could be marked by moment media is clear and has attained full solution. Actively stirred media should reach full solution well...