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  1. adamar71

    blue hearts?

    hey bros, just a quick question. i saw someone's gear the other day and he had little blue hearts with a line down one side from top to bottom. anyone know what those might be?
  2. adamar71

    Hangover Cures

    i usually drink a big cup of water or two and down a couple of alleve before going to sleep or passing out. don't wake up with the hangover, just feel weak sometimes. just need to rehydrate and you will be golden.
  3. adamar71

    is this girl hitting on me...?

    i'm with mbstrong. you need to hit it and split it. you know how the song goes...face down, ass up that's the way we like to f@#k.
  4. adamar71

    eca's making me irritable

    thanks for the info bros. guess i will just deal with it until it subsides. peace and i'm out
  5. adamar71

    eca's making me irritable

    hey bros, i am taking a prolab eca and find that they make me irritable. is there anything that i can take or do to not be so edgy? or am i just going to have to deal with it? thanks for any info
  6. adamar71

    First cycle plan...

    hey papapump i have done a little research on supplements and read that you should not take creatine and glutamine together because they both depend on a lot of the same things in the body and that they should be taken two hours apart at least. if they are fighting for the same receptors in...
  7. adamar71

    JUICE and WeeD???

    i say to each his own. there are many of us who have been there, but just like when a parent tells a child not to do something because they might get hurt the child most times has to learn from experience. now i have smoked and still do every so often and am happy to say that once i put my...
  8. adamar71

    Hi, I'm the new guy!

    welcome aboard bro.
  9. adamar71

    equipoise or test? what to do, what to do

    thanks for the input bros. i also pm'd superchicken and will take his advice and stick with the test and deca. i will save the eq for next cycle. i am very glad sgrinavi told me about this site. it is like a family here and i feel like i have gained many brothers and sisters who give me good...
  10. adamar71


    all i can offer is my prayers and well wishes to all those living in that area. i hope you all stay safe and pray for the families of those who have lost a loved one to this lunatic.
  11. adamar71

    What magazine does everyone get

    maxim, golf digest, men's health
  12. adamar71

    good places for tunes

    kazaalite is awesome. i listen to a wide variety of music and have never had any problems finding what i like.
  13. adamar71

    Why do you workout?

    i started working out for one simple reason. TO LOOK GOOD NAKED
  14. adamar71

    My girl called me out

    make her tapout choke!!! make her tap!!! you've got this in the bag. good luck bro
  15. adamar71

    What's everyone's sweet tooth satisfier?

    mr goodbars do it for me. i think i'll have one now
  16. adamar71

    i would love to personaly kick the shit out of..

    screw that psycho taking out innocent people from his little hiding spots. people like him or her make me want to puke. i just pray they catch that bastard before he clips anyone else. i heard today he clipped a 52 year old man pumping gas in va. makes me sick
  17. adamar71

    vanilla coca cola

    this guy doesn't like it. to put it like my godson "it tastes like poo"
  18. adamar71

    Are you having one of those days?

    good luck latinsteel. i feel you bro. i have had a pretty terrible day myself, but i went to the gym and blew off a lot of steam and that sure seemed to help me get past the aggravation i had built up inside.
  19. adamar71

    equipoise or test? what to do, what to do

    thanks getripped. right now i am trimming and cutting. i want to lose 10 more lbs (am 190 right now), stand about 5'9" and 31 y.o. i am planning on gaining naturally before i do my cycle. i honestly probably won't touch my gear until march 2003. i know a good bit about the side effects of...