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  1. S

    Can you believe this guy!!

    Hell a guy like him I would ask him if he wanted to start training!!!
  2. S

    big_byrd52 at 17 weeks out

    You are dialing in just right. At 11 weeks out if I am reading this correctly your abs are starting to come in, hell I even see some straitions on your outer quads in that last pic. You have some serious mass there and supporting some good lines. You are gonna clean house if you keep at this...
  3. S

    cyber-rights down tonight??

    I checked in just fine
  4. S

    Can you believe this guy!!

    LOL....I wouldn't have if you didn't whip it off on my shirt!! :D Love the quote...what brings you over here???
  5. S

    My toys...

    Nice looking bikes Pump I am sure they are worth a few bucks. All you have to do now is sell them and by a race rocket and you will be set :D Perferably a Ducati or a Aprillia
  6. S

    cutting ?

    Don't sell yourself short bro, a lot of people get into this lifestyle late and still come out on top. Hell who wouldn't want ot look like Dpsquat so use that as motivation to get in the gym and work hard. Losing bf is a science let me tell yeah. Without going into too much detail right now...
  7. S

    benched 365 last night...

    Yes. Things are going pretty good so far...haven't really had any major temptations as of yet but I am only a few weeks in. After this is all done I will give my max a go once I get some carbs back into me. :D
  8. S

    Maybe Just Maybe...

    I totally agree bro. On my home board we don't allow any open source posting. Hell who wants their good source to go down when some newbie keeps posting it up in open discussion. Just have a mod edit the post or hell even delete it. If the person persists to post there is always a banning...
  9. S

    Nipple play???

    Never been into having my nips played with. Just doesn't do anything for me. But hey what ever floats your boat bro.
  10. S

    What's your preference?

    I perfer runners all the way. Just can't get into the boot thing.
  11. S

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    What do you guys do for your leg workouts? Looking to spice mine up a bit.
  12. S

    Oh, by the way!

    No time for fighting and drinking some of us have to work!!! ughhhh!!! But thanks. :D
  13. S

    Last year pictures

    Solid back bro. You have some excellent symetry and proportions. How well did you place?
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    i got picked on

    Re: did you guys check his response? lol I was wondering what his reply was gonna be. :D
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    Editing your own posts

    Come on now bro, you actually think baseball is entertaining. How dry of a sport can you get. That is why we don't waste our time playing it up here. We all know Hockey is where it's at!! :D
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    Do you get grief from your friends when your on a diet??

    I have gotten the line "why do you do that to yourself you have to enjoy life man." I always make sure I come back with a smart ass comment. People that lack dedication, determination and devotion always come up with some pretty crazy excuses for being out of shape. It makes me sick.
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    Your Steak?

    Gotta go with medium-well here.
  18. S

    Musclechemistry WOW!!

    Welcome to the board bro I have only been here a couple of days and I like what I see. Seems to have some very solid knowledgeable memebers here.
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    d bol question

    personally I don't feel the calming affects however I don't get all agitated either. I am just myself. Laid back well most of the time!! :D That is why I will choose dbol over drols anyday.
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    Can you believe this guy!!

    I was reading another post about a rude old lady stealing a treadmill and it reminded me of something that happened the other day. So instead of hijacking a thread I thought I would start a new one. So I was on my way out of the gym after a solid leg workout the other day and my training...