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  1. Spiderman

    Metformin HCL....acquiring knowledge

    Metformin is a pretty benign diabetic drug as far as they go, but there are done things to watch on it. It works just like you said, it basically sensitized your body's natural insulin receptors do that you are more sensitive to your natural insulin. This allows you to store glucose in muscle...
  2. Spiderman

    IFBB 2015 Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure, Bikini Contest Schedule Dates

    Anyone going to be at the Dallas Pro this month?
  3. Spiderman

    Wedding Anniversary is Saturday! Been married a long fucking time lmao

    sucks man, but there's always next least that's what I tell myself every year! Lol
  4. Spiderman

    Sex Drive

    Bro tren e can shut you down for awhile. It's not uncommon for it to last 1-2 months. then add to that what wanting to do it and not being able to does to your mind and your sex drive can take a bit longer to come back after your performance does. Did you get any blood work done post cycle? I'd...
  5. Spiderman

    Wedding Anniversary is Saturday! Been married a long fucking time lmao

    Congrats on the anniversary bro, sry I missed the time frame for suggestions. Hope she had a great time bc I know if she did then so did you
  6. Spiderman

    Back for good!

    It's been a very long time since I was a regular around here, but life has finally reached a point where things are settling down and getting into a predictable routine. I see a few ppl I knew from back in the day and lots of new names. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone...
  7. Spiderman

    Wife is pregnant with Twins!

    congrats man, and enjoy the next few months of sleep :)
  8. Spiderman


    Yes it is...I have one right now who knows her place and my situation. I got the feeling she was starting to get a little too close a couple of weeks ago so I cut her off for a bit. Talked to her again over the weekend at a party we were both at and she had a female "friend" with her there...
  9. Spiderman


    It all depends on which lady you are talking about...IMHO everyone should keep at least one on the hook that is a complete freak and is down for whatever with just a phone call. It helps my relationships stay together, lol!!! ;)
  10. Spiderman

    Meningitis Scary shit!

    I had a friend who actually had one of these cases in his hospital last month. I don't know if all of this shit got recalled but no one I know of is still using it.
  11. Spiderman

    Blood pressure help?

    If you're still high after being off for a few months it's time to see someone - just don't let some dumbass doc sent you to a specialist for something simple.
  12. Spiderman

    Stacking gear ? what do you like to do ?

    i've actually been thinking about this same thing as i am stocking up for a winter bulk with a spring cut. hoping to run all of these at once and i'll be on the low end as i have been natty for the past 3 years. I'm going to post what I'm currently throwing around and I'd love some feedback on...
  13. Spiderman

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    it's unlikely that stopping the ambien caused you to get restless legs, but stopping it may have made u notice it. ppl usually get it when they settle down for the night and get still - if you were taking ambien to help you sleep it's likely that your body never registered that uncomfortable...
  14. Spiderman

    Fucking doctors...

    Listen man, I am a general practice doc and that's malpractice and seusl harassment. U need to record your next visit and then wait a week and request a copy of your girls medical record that way u will have him on the sexual harassment and on malpractice for documenting things that didn't...
  15. Spiderman


    One of the huge issues here that is hindering change was masterfully placed by the government years ago. Go back 10-20 years and walk into a doctors office. Your primary care physician had everything that was needed to take care of you there. Labs were there, Xray machines were there, EKGs, Lung...
  16. Spiderman

    Just got another Epidural shot yesterday and well so so

    bro - I had no idea how broken it was until this past year...but u definitely say truth. Sad thing is I see so many people buying into the system right now the way it is. I think the days of docs actually have patient concerns as their #1 importance are behind us least for most docs.
  17. Spiderman

    Wrist tendonitis

    I will go away faster if you take it easy for sure - you might try just wearing your braces at night. This was you won't roll over onto one of your wrists and get it stuck in a position that feels comfortable to you but it ripping the hell out of that tendon. Where on your wrist did you strain...
  18. Spiderman

    Getting my shot tomorrow

    They do hurt, but nowhere nearly as bad as a shot of antibiotics in the hip. I wouldn't sweat it to much man
  19. Spiderman

    Just got another Epidural shot yesterday and well so so

    hey bro, it's been awhile. give it another week and see if it keeps working, then try to start back slowly. And the reason your doc won't go ahead and do the fusion now is so that he can bleed more money out of your insurance company. To him, you are a scheduling if he has a busy...